My Setup

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My Setup

Post by allanstevens »

I have been a housebot user for a long time now, and for years I have been meaning to showcase my set-up. I just never seem to have the time, same could be said about the number of future projects I have planned! In fact this post has taken a number of weeks to complete!

It still amazes me that HouseBot has not really changed much since the Meedio days, but I feel the application still does out-perform many of the current home automation software out now. I feel this is mainly down to the stability and the expandability of the plugin framework and the powerful scripting. However, I have been tempted to switch to HomeSeer with it’s huge amount of plugins available and android applications. But the $600 price tag and the amount of time invested in HouseBot makes me stay here. I’m sad to say, I do feel at some point it will eventually switch. I still live in hope that this amazing software will be upgraded and bring a new lease of life to it. I remember a windows service architecture was spoken about in the past and I feel much needed android/ios remotes would increase it’s popularity massively (and profitability for the developer!). Anyway I digress, back to my setup.

I’ll start with a screenshot of my HouseBot:
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Its hard to fit it all in, but over time I have added over 70 devices, 80 tasks and 30 scripts. Don’t worry, I won't cover everything!!! Most of my setup i’ll cover very briefly, but if you would like me to to cover anything in more detail just ask.


I guess the best place to start would be my devices. I’ll start with the Appliances group, all these devices are X10 appliance modules. My most popular hardware devices are X10. Its one of them technologies that I keep trying to move away from, but the price and how it works so well with HB, I just keep picking up more devices on ebay!

Appliances include electric underfloor heating, towel rails, ceiling fans, patio heater etc. The doorbell is a normal wired one, with a PowerFlash module wired in. This allows me to create tasks like pause TV and create a google chat alert. The heating is controlled by a normal X10 appliance module that has been wired into my Vailant boiler. This allows me to turn the heating on/off. I also have a number of temperature sensors around the house and a number of tasks that control a screen on the Software Remote. This allows me to have a timer. constant and forward functionality. It can also be controlled via the web application. Screenshots of the software remote and web site will be shown later in this post.

The next section is EventGhost Devices. I have recently purchased a RFXtrx, due to the massive number of cheap new automation devices that work over 433mhz. Unfortunately HB does not have a native device. This lead me to look at EventGhost. I then created a plug-in in EventGhost that acts as a bridge. Details of the plugin can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=858001

The bridge works ok, Its a bit of a compromise as it’s not as reliable as a native device would have been. I had started looking at creating a device using the c# wrapper, or even try some c++, but I just didn’t have the time and there are also a great number of other supported devices in EventGhost.

My setup in EventGhost controls a number of HomeEasy application and light modules, some Oregon sensor (that are used for heating), MediaPortal status and a number of X10 RF switches and motion sensors. These all update Null Devices in HouseBot or launch HouseBot tasks.

Next we move on to Internet and Local Feeds, (are you all still awake?)

First device in the section is Energy Monitor, this is a CurrentCost energy monitor. This is a plugin I wrote using the c# wrapper. There is also a screen in the software remote. Plugin is available here:

Next device is called House Temperatures, this is a serial temperature logger available from Quaser. Details of the logger is here: ... ata-logger

I have a number of sensors running over CAT5. These sensors are used to control my heating. The device is something I wrote using the c# wrapper. If anyone is interested i’m happy to share it.

Similar to the last device, the next one is called Outside Temperatures. This is a null device and is updated from a number of Oregon sensors that are updated via EventGhost.

Next device is called Train Departures this is a script device that scrapes a uk national rail website. These are then displayed on the software remote. Ready for me to see before I leave for work. Let me know if anyone would like the script.

The last device in this section is called Weather. This is a plugin I wrote, again, using the great c# wrapper. More details are available here: This uses the worldweatheronline site, there was an ealier version that used, but I switched once they started charging for the api access.

Next section is Lighting. Nothing really to see here, just a number of X10 lamp modules.

Next it’s Logs. This section is heavily reliable on tasks to back them up. What I wanted was a list of events to be displayed on my Software Remote. So for example at a quick glance I can see when the alarm was set, phone rang and if the backup server switched off at 9. This was accomplished by creating a Null Device called House Events. When something significant happens, like the phone rings, it updates the Message property. This will then run a script to add the entry to my sql server. This script also populates a History property with the last 20 events. This is what is displayed on the Software Remote. There is also a device that sends this message to Google Chat so I get an alert on my phone and tablet. This list of events is also available from my website and a windows system tray application connection via a web service.

Next section called Maintenance and Tools it’s not very interesting. Its a number of scripts that checks my internet is up, sends WOL and allo ws me to reboot the PC. There is also a health check script device that works with EventGhost to ensure both HouseBot and EventGhost are working, if something stops working it forces a reboot.

Media section is something that has changed a lot recently. I used to use Windows Media Center for all my tv viewing. But as Microsoft seems to have pretty much given up on the product I recently switched to Media Portal. So I now have a device called MediaPortal Status. This is a Null Device that displays what is currently playing updated from EventGhost.

There is also a number of IR remote devices in here using the USB-URT. I also have a muti-zone TEAC amp that has a serial port. This is currently controlled via IR, but I do plan on writing a plugin to use the serial port. But i’m not sure i’ll ever get the time !

The Phone section has a hardware device that utilizes UK caller id. There is also a script that is run once a call is received. This script checks the number against my google contacts account, then my wifes account. If the number is not recognized it checks it against a nuisance call website and displays it in the House Events accordingly. Let me know if anyone would like the script.

And for the last section (still with me?) in devices is Security. This section is mainly an account of the house security system. I purchase, many years ago, a Visonic alarm, as it can also use X10. When the alarm is set, disabled and triggered it sends different X10 commands. I then use these commands to set different modes (Home/Away) in HouseBot. This will then allow me to only run certain tasks depending if we are in the house. It’s worked great since the start! I have also got an RS232 module for the alarm, and do plan to write a plugin with the help of this site: But I do wonder if I will ever get round to it!

This is the devices section done. Are you all still awake? I will now skip forward to Software Remote, as that's a lot prettier and interesting then Tasks section!

Software Remote

Oh I do wish for Christmas an Android version! but currently, I have a usb touch screen running Windows on my bedside table displayed below. This also runs a screensaver that I created that will display device properties. More details here: This works great at my bedside, as when its left for 30 seconds it displays the System Time device and a few House Events.

I also have a Windows 8 tablet that I do plan to fit into the kitchen cupboard. It’s a bit of a work in progress, once done i’ll post if anyone is interested. I also have a small 6” windows CE device that I plan to do something with. Just not sure what.
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Bedside remote, its a USB powered touch screen connected to a Windows pc.
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Running the HB Screensaver.
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Main home screen displaying house events, internet feeds, power usage, MediaPortal activity, etc.
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Lighting screen, still a work in progress.
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Controls MediaPortal and multi-zone amp.
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Controls various devices, still a work in progress.
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This controls the heating for the house. I do plan to also include the controls for the underfloor heating and towel rails.
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This displays details from the CurentCost monitor.
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See we do get the sun in Britain (sometimes) !
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Larger view of what is currently playing on MediaPortal. I had to put Frozen on! It was the only thing to entertain my daughter while I write this.
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Bedside remote, this comes on the bedside touchscreen when I set Arm Home.
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Not a software remote but we also control the downstairs lights via the TV remote. This again is using HouseBot. The remove sends a IR signal via a repeater to the USB-URT. HouseBot the sends an X10 signal to control the lights.

Web Interface

Using classic ASP I have also create a set of web pages to control various tasks and devices. There is a post available here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=855645
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Main menu with some stats and links to the other pages.
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Devices are taken from an xml file, and is still not complete. But allows me to control devices (and lights) via my phone.
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I think i only use Reboot Home Server here, i’m sure i’ll add to it at some point.
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Displays a list of the latest events, this is taken from the SQL database.
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Just shows what MediaPortal is playing and links to WebMediaPortal where I can stream tv etc.

I think that pretty much all the ways I control HouseBot, I did write a Windows Media Center plugin, but as i have switched to MediaPortal its not used now. Anyone else using it?


My HouseBot PC is a low powered Intel Atom computer. This is rack mounted with an LCD display showing the last 4 house events. This is from a plugin I wrote for LCD Smartie, it allows you to view HouseBot device properties. Happy to share if anyone is interested.
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Where the magic happens :D

Is it time to stop? I still haven't covered tasks, if there is any interest i’ll include it in a later post. There is also still a number of future or current HouseBot projects. This includes my garden irrigation, cctv, visonic, plcbus plugin, kitchen touchscreen and solar powered hot tub!

I hope you have found my post interesting. I’m surprised if anyone has made it this far! I have never written so much on a forum. Feel free to ask me any question on the above, I promise my response won't be an essay! Anyway, time for a closing comment and I think my wife sums up my HB enthusiasm fairly well !
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AL :)
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Re: My Setup

Post by allanstevens »

After mentioning on the post above about no android version. I have just seen one was released 5 days ago! Silly me :oops: I am ecstatic, thanks Scott. Installing it now! Early xmas present :D
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Re: My Setup

Post by ScottBot »


Wow, Great post! I love to see HouseBot used in such a comprehensive way... You even have a HouseBot screensaver!

Also, not sure if you've tried the RFXCOM plugin support for housebot before you implemented your Eventghost solution.

Make sure you get the new version of HouseBot when working with the Android remote (Merry Christmas). It will automatically transfer needed fonts (and hopefully the font is supported by Android).
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Re: My Setup

Post by allanstevens »

Thanks Scott. It's down to the software :D
ScottBot wrote:You even have a HouseBot screensaver!
I'm really pleased with the screensaver, thanks to the system time device it works great as a smart alarm clock on my bedroom usb monitor. I will also use it in the kitchen, once I get the touch screen set-up.
ScottBot wrote:Also, not sure if you've tried the RFXCOM plugin support for housebot before you implemented your Eventghost solution.
Unfortunately, this is for the older RFXCOM, not the newer RFXtrx that supports a lots more devices. Shame.
ScottBot wrote:Make sure you get the new version of HouseBot when working with the Android remote (Merry Christmas). It will automatically transfer needed fonts (and hopefully the font is supported by Android).
All installed. First, I must say the droid remote is brilliant! I do have a few issues with my current remotes (mentioned below), but not a real issue, as I will create some remotes just for droid. The current remotes look tiny on my Nexus 10 display!

First issue, it will not transfer my fonts. I use webdings for the media buttons, I'm wondering if this is because my phone has not been rooted. I think you need a rooted (or Samsung) phone to install fonts in the android os, could this be the problem ? Also, when I open my energy monitor panel, it crashes, when this happens it prompts me to send the details, I'll do this when I get home tonight.

As said only minor issues for me, as I will create some new remotes. I will probably install the google fonts on my HouseBot pc and use them.

I'm surprised its free too! you should create a paid pro version with some additional functionality. Could give widget functionality in pro :)
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Re: My Setup

Post by ScottBot »

Fonts have been a challenge for the Android Remote. The heart of the issue is that Android just doesn't support any font. Wingdings (used in the sample theme) and Webdings are two that it doesn't support.

For the fonts that are supported, the remote will request the font file from the server (starting with HB version 3.30.03) and load them dynamically. No need to root the device or manually copy in font files.

The tiny themes are just because the resolution of many of the Android devices is so much higher. It's nice that you can create higher resolution themes, but it's a pain to have to resize everything (I know).
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Re: My Setup

Post by ScottBot »

It looks like the problem you are seeing with your energy monitor panel is due to the fact that a gauge on that panel is receiving a numeric value that is not a whole number (it has a decimal place). You should be allowed to send the value with the decimal (since it works in windows), and I'll include that fix in the next update. The quick fix for you, if possible, would be to round that value to a whole number.
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Re: My Setup

Post by allanstevens »

ScottBot wrote:Webdings are two that it doesn't support.
Good to know about the website. Will be useful when I create my Android remote. Typical that I am using unsupported fonts! I'll just use some image buttons.

Thanks for looking at the energy panel issue so quickly.
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Re: My Setup

Post by incoronado »

Great Post. Thanks for sharing. Nice to see how others are using HB.
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Re: My Setup

Post by edgar »


Amazing setup you have! Very well done! You must be as excited as I am with the Android Remote. I can't wait to retire my USB touchscreens (or get more new touchscreens which is what I will probably do!).

I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. I had no idea you built a plugin for the envi 128 ! I have a horrible script that only worked some of the time. Then I see yours and I am embarrassed! It looks awesome! I went to the web site, but could not see what I need to do to get it? Do you have some basic instructions? I am very familiar with HB of course and will get the C# wrapper installed.

<SHOUT OUT> Now that Scott has released the Android remote and now the new Wink plugins I am totally re-energized! Great Job Scott!

So my first question is with the envi (above).

My second question is with Media Portal. Are you happy with how this is working? Was it easy to get the image art into HB. I also use Eventghost for lots of things (I use the XBMC2 plugin). The XBMC (Now Kodi) plugin was/is not that great and is limited, especially for retrieving current playlist information which I want to get into HB.

I have more questions, and will ask more later if you don't mind. Thanks for sharing your system with all of us! I am looking forward to this year with Housebot!


Kevin (AKA edgar (my house) (electronic data gathering and automation resource))
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Re: My Setup

Post by allanstevens »


Just get more touch screens :D

I have just uploaded the dll on to codeplex. Didn't realise I had only shared the source code. Its on the download page now.

As far as instructions. Firstly make sure you backup your housebot database first. Just in case it causes you any issues. It been working fine for me for a few years now, but better to be safe. Other that that its just a case of installing the wrapper, there is post on the forum for this. Then just place the CurrentCost.dll in the Devices folder. You will then be able to add the device (as a software device).
Let me know if you have any issues.

On the MediaPortal side of things it works ok. It only displays what is currently playing. I have a null device to display what's playing, album art etc this it updated from my EventGhost HouseBot Plugin. It gets this information from the EventGhostPlus plugin in MediaPortal. Below is the python script I wrote to get the album art. It's pretty crude, it just looks for the folder.jpg pointing to my media pc \\htpc\Music\...

Code: Select all

sType = eg.event.suffix.replace("MediaPortal.","");
sStatus = eg.event.payload[1];
print "Type: " + sType;
print "Status: " + sStatus;

sNowPlaying1 = "";
sNowPlaying2 = "";
sNowPlaying3 = "";
sNowPlayingImage = "C:\\Program Files\\HouseBot\\Config\\Themes\\Custom\\black.jpg";

if (sStatus == 'Play'):
    if (sType == 'Long.Video' or sType == 'Short.Video'):
        #if OnlineVideo
        if (eg.event.payload[2] == 'http://localhost/OnlineVideo.mp4'):
            sNowPlaying1 = 'Online Videos';
        #else Movies, TV Shows, etc
            sNowPlaying1 = eg.event.payload[2][:eg.event.payload[2].rfind('\\')];
            sNowPlaying1 = sNowPlaying1[sNowPlaying1.rfind('\\')+1:];
            sNowPlaying2 = eg.event.payload[3].replace('|',', ').strip(', ');
            sNowPlaying3 = eg.event.payload[4].title();
            sNowPlayingImage = eg.event.payload[2][:eg.event.payload[2].rfind('\\')].replace('e:\\','\\\\htpc\\').replace('E:\\','\\\\htpc\\') + '\\folder.jpg';
    elif (sType == 'TV'):
        sNowPlaying1 = 'Live TV';

    elif (sType == 'Radio'):
        sNowPlaying1 = 'Live Radio';

    elif (sType == 'Music'):
        lMusic = eg.event.payload[2].split('\\');
        sNowPlaying1 = lMusic[4][:lMusic[4].rfind('.')];
        sNowPlaying1 = sNowPlaying1[sNowPlaying1.rfind('-')+1:].replace('_',' ').strip(' ').title();
        sNowPlaying2 = lMusic[3];
        sNowPlaying3 = lMusic[2];
        sNowPlayingImage = eg.event.payload[2][:eg.event.payload[2].rfind('\\')].replace('e:\\','\\\\htpc\\').replace('E:\\','\\\\htpc\\') + '\\folder.jpg';
    elif (sType == 'Long.Recording'):
        lRecording = eg.event.payload[2][eg.event.payload[2].rfind('\\')+1:].split(' - ');
        sNowPlaying1 = lRecording[0];
        sNowPlaying2 = lRecording[1];
        sNowPlaying3 = lRecording[2][:lRecording[2].rfind(".")];
        sNowPlaying1 = "Playing " + sType;

eg.event.payload = sNowPlaying1,sNowPlaying2,sNowPlaying3,sNowPlayingImage;
print eg.event.payload;
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If you have any questions, just shout.

Can't agree more about the the recent announcements. Very exciting. Well done Scott :)

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Re: My Setup

Post by edgar »

Hi Al,

Thanks very much for the quick reply and thanks for uploading the dll ! Because of the HB update I have decided to migrate my older system from XP to Windows7 so I am in the middle of that. I look forward to getting the envi 128 working and looking more into Media Portal.

On a side note for anyone interested. I actually bought a VERA 3. It did not take long before I hated it. Housebot is really where it is at for Home Automation that is powerful and affordable!

Thanks again Al!


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Re: My Setup

Post by TonyG »

Just taken time to read about your implementation. Impressive!

Thanks for taking the time to share what you have done. I'm looking to display indoor (well, in-camper) and outdoor temperatures, and your solution looks very promising.
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