Button Press repeat rate minimum

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Button Press repeat rate minimum

Post by yaccri »

The repeating feature is great. It's 'every' property is limited to a minimum of 100 ms. When I use it to control a receiver's volume, this delay is annoying and ends up in the volume going up/down long after the button is released.

I suppose that a short repeat rate may cause problems. However, I would prefer to be allowed to put shorter times and see how it acts. (Maybe you can change the error message to a warning).

BTW, I experienced no problems with version 2.0 b2 so far.


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Post by ScottBot »


I don't remember how I arrived at 100 ms for the minimum, but it was probably the result of some quick testing to find the threshold on when the client/server protocol became overwhelmed. If you are seeing property changes after you let go of the button, it may be due to the fact that it connection is already beyond it's ability to process the messages as fast as the SWRemote is sending them.

If you want to experiment with values below 100 ms, look in the Theme XML file for the "REP_INT" attribute. Change it on the SWRemote you are testing with to see the effect.

I implemented this feature using the existing server/client protocol. If the current implementation is still too slow even at lower intervals, a solution would be for me to extend the protocol to add a 'start repeat' and an 'end repeat' option that would allow the repeating to be driven by the server instead of the client. I'm sure you'd rather have this option, but I'm not too keen on changing the protocol unless I need to.

Let me know how your testing goes.
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Post by yaccri »

Thanks for the tip Scott.

It helped me realize how wrong I was :?

I had to increase the button's repeat value rather than decrease it.

I also reduced the repeat count of the USB-UIRT IR code to the minimum of '2' (for some reason, it does not work with '1').

The button's repeat value is now at 350 ms! It is too slow for my taste, but I guess that there's nothing more to do to speed it up.


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Post by ScottBot »


So it sounds like the limiting factor is the rate at which the USB-UIRT can send the IR codes. Right??

350ms per IR code may not be out of the ordinary.
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Post by yaccri »

So it sounds like the limiting factor is the rate at which the USB-UIRT can send the IR codes. Right??

Yes, that's the bottleneck.

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