JukeBox Capability for HouseBot - Do you want it?

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Post by ScottBot »


It looks great! I've posted it to the Download Page.

Thanks :!:
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Post by Bohemian »

Now that is a fast response!

Thanks Jim and Scott!
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JukeBot Theme Help

Post by Circe640 »

In the \Devices\JukeBot\ directory there is a JKTheme.HLP file that will walk you through all of the definitions and methods of use for each of the sample panels. Just double click on the file to read it.
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Post by Circe640 »

Feedback about JukeBot both positive and negative is greatly appreciated.

I am almost at the point of releasing MoviePro Plugin. It will come with a reader for the DVD Profiler XML Export File. It uses a design structure similar to JukeBot. For those that do not have DVD Profiler, I will include a sample XML file and images so you can see the sample theme capabilities. I have looked at the XML catalog files used by myHTPC and could add a reader for the video catalog. I would also be interested in finding out if there is a need for the ability to manually add video info directly to the MoviePro database (Laser Discs, VCR etc). MoviePro is currently defined to support different Movie media --- DVD, LD, VCR, VCD and does have a flag to indicate whether these are online(PC resident -ripped) or off-line titles. As well as defining these as separate collections, this allows for using different players depending on type.
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