
General HouseBot discussion. Any issues that don't fit into any of the other topics belong here.
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Post by Sagz »

Is there a way to do macros in housebot?

i.e. I make a control and it sends out a series of IR commands with time delays in theme?
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Post by ScottBot »

There are a couple of ways to do it.

For each value that a Property can be, you can associate IR codes to that value. When the Property changes to that value, it will send the IR code(s). For example, you could have your TV Receiver Channel property containing values from 2 - 200. You can then associate the channel numbers to IR codes... so when the Property changes to channel value 134, it will send the 1 IR code, the 3 IR code, the 4 IR code and the Enter IR code (this is just an example, you can configure it anyway). For this case, there's a method to have it auto-assign all of the numeric values to their numeric IR codes.

Another way to do it would be to have a Task (more like a Macro) change property values. When the property values change, the same logic I described above will execute. With Tasks, you can also insert delays, change other properties, call other tasks, etc.

So for simple IR code sending/combining, there's option 1. For more sophisticated tasks there's option 2.
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Post by wordgasm »

Scott, along the same lines;

If your using Essentials and HousBot for all Media/HA control, (if you have your interfaces worked out) using housebot, there is essential really no reason to use girder, (unless you needed a specific girder function, ie: LCDMaster with feedback from computer programs)

Corrrect? No?

I'm still seeting up Essentials and figuring out which remote interface/scheme (hardware/software) to use, before plowing into HouseBot ..... Is this a misttake? Should I just be patient and do my setup of all 3 at the same time to learn the integrtion/interconnect posssiblities for a better system in the end.


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Post by ScottBot »

wordgasm wrote:If your using Essentials and HousBot for all Media/HA control, (if you have your interfaces worked out) using housebot, there is essential really no reason to use girder, (unless you needed a specific girder function, ie: LCDMaster with feedback from computer programs)

Corrrect? No?
Correct. Yes...errrrrr maybe. If there are devices that you are controlling with Girder that do not currently have HouseBot plugins, you will still need to use Girder. HouseBot actually has a Device/plugin that allows you to control girder using HouseBot. This, at least, brings all of the control inside HouseBot.
wordgasm wrote:I'm still seeting up Essentials and figuring out which remote interface/scheme (hardware/software) to use, before plowing into HouseBot ..... Is this a misttake? Should I just be patient and do my setup of all 3 at the same time to learn the integrtion/interconnect posssiblities for a better system in the end.
I'd suggest coming up with high level grand design on what you are wanting to do with the entire system. I know that's difficult at this point, since you don't have all of the pieces to know what you will be able to do, but you can make it a general design. Since both Essentials and HouseBot focus on different areas, you can split the implementation effort however you like.

If the integration plugins were available now, I'd suggest that you start with a couple of minor integration tasks just to get yourself familiar with the way the applications will communicate and what you can do with it. I think once you see the integration in action and start experimenting with HouseBot Themes, a million new ideas will change your grand design. However, since this isn't really an option right now, you'll have to configure them as islands and then lay the bridge later.
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Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:10 pm

Post by wordgasm »

Good suggestions,

And Ive always liked island living, now I just get to live on two!

That doesnt sound all bad with the ferri in place and plans for a bridge!

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