Announce caller name

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Announce caller name

Post by yaccri »

The modem/phone plugin has a nice feature that attaches a name to the caller' number. It would be even nicer to have the system announce (via the speakers) the caller' name.

You can further allow to record start and end messages that would come before/after the caller name, and also allow to enable/disable each recording during playback.

When a phone call received, if that caller has a recorded name, it will play the start message (if enabled) + the caller name + the end message (if enabled).

This is just a nice to have feature.


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Post by ScottBot »

You can use the text-to-speech plugin (separate plugin download) to do some of this right now.

When a call is received, the 'Last Caller' property of the Phone Line Status Device will be set with the name of the last caller. This will either be the name supplied by the phone company, or the over-ridden name specified in the Modem Phone status interface. You can have a Task simply set the 'Text to Speak' Property of the 'Text 2 Speech' Device when the value changes (using property value substitution). You can add some additional 'speech' around it to make a sentence out of it.

However, it can't speak or not speak based on whether the phone number has specifically been remapped by the interface..... well I guess you could prefix your remapped names with some identifiable characters and then strip them off in a VB Script to be able to determine which have been remapped.
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Post by yaccri »

I originaly thougt of the text-2-speech plugin, but at a second thought it came to me that it is not enough. (I admit I did not try the plugin, and only had a try with the speech engine of Microsoft in the past).

The trouble with the speech engine is that it is poor in pronouncing names. Moreover, it works only in English. For other languages, Even if the text is written in English, there is no correct pronounciation for some letters.

As I mentioned, it seems to me as a nice to have feature. It is not a must have.

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