NooB Question

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NooB Question

Post by krypto »

Great forum, Hi

I'm a newbie, have just a quick question. Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me.

I would like to start my home automation project by replacing my thermostat with a small touchscreen, that would mount in my wall.

Excuse my lask of knowledge, would this work well for the touchscreen? ... CatId=1449

I would imagine I then would need to hook the lcd directly to a pc, but can I run the cables all the way to my main pc (50 feet) or just stick an old pc in the closet behind the LCD? Network everthing and I'm good?

What type of control would I need for my A/C Heat system?

Thanks again
Last edited by krypto on Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dlmorgan999 »

I'm using two of these and they work very nicely for HouseBot remotes. I have an old slow PC that I'm using as a dedicated "touchscreen controller". You need to run both VGA and USB from the touchscreen to the PC. I've run it as far as 50' and it works okay, although the spec for USB recommends against running that far without some kind of active cable.

Currently I'm running over about 25' of passive cable and I've never had a problem. I think sticking an old PC in the closet is probably your best bet. Then just network it and create a new theme and you're off and running.

As far as what to use for HVAC control I can't help you there. I have a full multizone HVAC system in my house but it's part of my HAI Omni controller. I'm not sure about standalone solutions.

-- Dave
Steve Horn
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Post by Steve Horn »

Krypto, I've been using dedicated touchscreen PCs, i.e. tablet PCs. I have 3 of them networked on the LAN so they can interact with the HB server. I've been using Fujitsu Point 1600 (160 mhz w/20 meg HD). They can be found on Ebay for $125 and up. These may be a bit clunky for wall mounting as you describe. I have two on recipe book stands and one in a kitchen drawer. And as long as you can get AC and cat5 to them you can use them for email, browsing, etc. Alternatively, you can plug a wifi card in the PC Card slot for more portability and less wire.

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Post by krypto »

Very helpful, thank you both very much.

Is there a 'direct' thermostat control ?

In other words, one that I would control my a/c heat unit directly, via my touchscreen/pda, that doesn't need a thermostat control box? (the thing with the temp indicator)

Is there a box I can hook directly up to a pc to control my A/C?
Steve Horn
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Post by Steve Horn »

Krypto, dunno about a driect link between PC and HVAC. I don't do T-stat control with HB, but maybe you'll get something back from someone who does. Also, suggest you check out the suppliers of HA stuf, e.g. Worthington (; they may have what you seek.
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Post by spike5884 »

This general HVAC page on Smarthome will give you a good place to start. Look for something that you think will work for how you have your current HA set-up. Then go searching the Internet for a better price.
Scott J
aka spike5884
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