HouseBot vs HomeSeer

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HouseBot vs HomeSeer

Post by Jakar »

I would like opinions on HomeSeer vs HouseBot from users that have tried or use both.

I have been using HomeSeer for years and just recently upgraded to HS2. Very disappointed. I liked the web approach and the open architecture of past versions. Made it very easy to modify and create scripts. In some respects, still is. The new version is web interface only of which was and still is very clumsy. But now, it seems that anything I try to do with I run into problems. The first is, the HS 1.7 scripts I have wont run in HS2, error after error. If I need to spend a week fixing things, maybe its an oppurtunity to look at other products.

I have been looking at HouseBot because of its nice GUI :shock: . I was looking for a way to get Meedio to run HomeSeer, but now have second thoughts. I also like the Software Remote that I can simply deploy on other machines and have a GREAT GUI.

The real challenge here is to move all my devices and scripts to HouseBot. Any suggestions for migration is welcome. And again, any opinions on either product are desired.

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Post by Affini »

The only reason I'm even on the forum today is to see if anything has been posted by the Meedio support ppl... NO, HUGE SUPPRISE... yeah right!

I was considering also moving to Housebot but after trying for a MONTH to get support on the forums here from Meedio I'm probably going to bag my efforts and just stick with HS v1.7 (I never "upgraded", yeah right, to 2.0)

Homeseer support is marginal but at least it exists...

Housebot support is NON EXISTANT thus they get no $ from me.

Unfortunately for Meedio since the support sucks they also will not get any money from me for any other products they sell. I was wanting a one-stop-shop so I could get PVR & Home Automation & HTPC front-end all in one... looks like they just cannot deliver right now. Housebot is NOT INTEGRATED with the front-end from what I can tell.

Suggestion for you...

XLobby is FREE and the writer (Steven) is a great guy and always quick to respond and support. He's going to build in some basic X-10 functionality and Homeseer integrates easily today via xAP plug-ins (also free). And you can integrate some PVR solutions with it.

Plus the skins some people have made are impressive and more professional then any other product, period.

It will take a little tinkering to get a full solution but in the end everything is free and the support on the forums are top notch from both the writer and the community.

Another way to go is NetRemote & Girder... these both integrate into Homeseer with a little effort. They cost some $ but less then Meedio.

have fun...
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Post by yaccri »

Maybe it's a bit off-topic, but Meedio guys, please pay attention to the voices.

Support is of top-most importance to some people (like myself). I'm sorry to see that after over a year from the aquisition of HB, only few changes to the software were made. Many change requests and bug-reports have been ignored or rejected or been left to the future.

It's been over a year!


You may be proud of the BETA release of the HB-Essentials connection, but that is far from providing a good support.

Look back at the HB history before the aquisition, and learn from Scott how suppport should be. New releases came one after the other, always with new features and fixes. I myself asked for several features, and got solutions EVERY time, and VERY FAST. That is what I call great support.

Look at the HB forums. There isn't much to see (: I used to visit the HB forums every day, but now I visit only now and then. Only few new posts, and most are answered by members and not by Meedio. I'm not suggesting that Meedio should respond to every new thread, but at least read the threads and respond where appropriate.

Meedio, do you read me?

HB is a great product. Keep improving it, please...

Scott, I wish that you had aquired Meedio :)

Sorry Jakar for writing off-topic. However, support is an issue you should consider.

Affini, thank you for bringing up the support issue.
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Location: San Diego, CA

Post by Jakar »

Thanks for the input so far! I read the other thread and do feel the pain as well, hence the reason I started this one.

I am frustrated at HomeSeer for taking the approach they did in trying to sell something as a commercial product, where as in this one persons opinion does not quilify. Especially when you remove any kind of GUI that it did have (poor to begin with).

I like Meedio with its ability to bring so many things together and flexability, haven't purchased yet. Trying to evaluate HouseBot and think if a simple wizard existed to enter devices in a simple manner the pain of migration would not be as bad. I do like the way you can set tasks and edit properties. Generally in HomeSeer you would need to write a script for some of these activites. However, not all things seem to be as they appear. I would use this product if support and integration into the main product was a priorty. Doesn't look that way.

I would love to jump away from HomeSeer, I believe room exists now for a major player to jump in and take advantage of clumsy HS2. I want a nice interface for my PVR, not a web page! For now, I to will be sticking with HS 1.7.

Please Meedio, give us something to use! Maybe someone should buy HouseBot who is willing to support and develop ?

Haven't seen Xlobby, I'll take a look!


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