W800RF32A not working with DS10A

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W800RF32A not working with DS10A

Post by kilowatt »

I got a hold of a bunch of DS10A security modules really cheap. I would like to use these with housebot. I have a W800RF32A for receiving RF commands. The W800 plugin does not report the security device commands received. I thought it used to do this.

A while back I reported a problem with the W800 reporting false commands. Scott made some changes to ignore corrupt receptions. It appears this change may have also filtered out the security commands.

See http://www.meedio.com/forum/about22613.html

The check added for the corrupt commands was to compare the first and second byte received from the w800RF32A to ensure they are compliments and compare the third and forth byte received to ensure they are also compliments.

It turns out with the security devices, that with the security devices the upper nibble of the first and second byte received are not compliments but be equal. So if the first byte and second byte received have the upper nibble equal and the lower nibble complimented and both nibbles are complimented for the third and forth bytes received the command is valid and is a security device.

I would like to create a plugin for the DS10A but at this time I have no way of receiving the RF codes from the W800 plugin. Is it possible to get the W800 module changed so it can report security codes?



For more info see: the protocol:

http://www.wgldesigns.com/protocols/w80 ... otocol.txt

Log of W800 hardware interface - X10-RF code I5-on:

Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0xe0]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x1f]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x40]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0xbf]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug W800 received raw data [e0 1f 40 bf].
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug X-10 Command Received. HC = , UC = [5], CMD = [On]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug Sending Subscription Notification for list [X10 Reception]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:37AM W800RF32A Debug Sending Subscription Notification for list [X10 Reception (ALL)]

Log of W800 hardware interface - DS10A:

Sep 23 2005 10:17:42AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x47]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:42AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x48]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:42AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x84]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:42AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x7b]
Sep 23 2005 10:17:42AM W800RF32A Warning The W800 Hardware Interface received an invalid command [47 48 84 7b]. Ignorning command.
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Post by kilowatt »


Is there a way to receive the RF codes sent by X10 security devices using the current W800 plugin?


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Post by ScottBot »


It used to be able to. I don't have any security remotes, so I've never been able to test this. It's very possible that the change I had made a while back to do the validation has killed the security code reception.

If you can find the previous version of that plugin, it should work.
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Post by kilowatt »


I found an old version of the W800.dll and tried running with that. Now I can see the security device notification. The fix you did for command validation issue is also needed though. Is it possible to get a version that modifies this validation check to allow the security commands as I described in the first entry of this thread? It should be a fairly simple change.

Also assuming you are willing to make this change. How do I setup a plugin that can monitor the X10 Security Reception list?

Thanks again,


Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x47]
Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x48]
Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x84]
Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug Character Received [0x7b]
Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug W800 received raw data [47 48 84 7b].
Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug X-10 Security Command Received. CMD = [Sensor Close Min]. Unit = [72]
Dec 09 2005 11:49:06AM W800RF32A Debug Sending Subscription Notification for list [X10 Security Reception]
Last edited by kilowatt on Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ScottBot »

kilowatt wrote:Is it possible to get a version that modifies this validation check to allow the security commands as I described in the first entry of this thread?
I'm afraid that it's out of my hands at this point. You could submit a support ticket, but....
Also assuming you are willing to make this change. How do I setup a plugin that can monitor the X10 Security Reception list?
You don't really need to write a plugin, You should be able to create an X10 Security Device (or Sensor I don't remember which) that will change a property when something is received. You can then setup a Task or execute a script when you see what you are looking for. Of course you can also write your own Device plugin that subscribes to the X10 Security Reception notification list and do whatever you need. I can give you a bit more info on that if you plan to go that route.
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Post by kilowatt »


I found the "X10 Security Sensor" device. For some reason this device wasn't showing up in my housebot installation. I just reinstalled housebot and now I found it. This does what I need for using the DS10A devices I obtained. This is exactly what I was going to attempt to create myself.

Now all I need is to get the W800 Hardware Module with the corrupt commands fix to pass me the security codes. I'll attempt to put in a support ticket but I'm not too hopeful I'll get much notice from Meedio since they don't seem to be supporting HouseBot too well. Boy I miss the good old days.

By the way I got a bunch of DS10A Door / Window Sensors cheap. If you would like one, send me a PM and I would be glad to give one to you.

Thanks for your help

Last edited by kilowatt on Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by kilowatt »

It seems the version of the W800 interface that Meedio has to download is not even the version with the "corrupt commands fix" in it. Is there another location for downloading Housebot plugins besides this one


If not the version of the W800 interface with the "corrupt commands fix" can be found in this thread.


But this newer version does not receive X10 security RF commands

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Post by ScottBot »

It's hard to tell. The plugins that are in the thread that you referenced are old. They were there before the latest release that included everything (the earlier releases were smaller with optional plugins for download).

I think version 2.06 of the W800 Hardware Interface plugin had the fix/bug in it for the error correction that caused the security code reception to vanish. I believe this is also the version that is in the latest version of the full HouseBot release. So if you have version 2.05, this would be the same as 2.06, but without the fix... errrr bug.
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Post by kilowatt »


Yes that is correct. The version of HouseBot I installed earlier was not the latest release but one I had downloaded some time ago. I just installed the latest version of HouseBot from the Meedio download page (version 2.22). It does contain the W800 plugin version 2.06 which does contain the corrupt command fix but does not work with security.

A version of the W800 plugin that works with security can still be found here but it does not contain the corrupt command fix.


Now if I can only get Meedio to get security working again with the corrupt command fix.

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Post by TakeFlight »

I second this! I'm using the old w800.dll so I can integrate my HB server with my X10 security system. It would be nice to know I'm not going to receive false commands (which from looking at my log I have at least one false command that I've noticed so far but luckily it was not a command that would have caused a problem).

Meedio, are you listening?
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Post by kilowatt »

I entered a bug ticket on December 9th. They said they were looking into it when I enquired a month later. But, so far no other news.

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Post by TakeFlight »

I opened a ticket regarding this today and referenced this message thread. I'm trying to be optimistic and I'm thinking maybe 2006 will be the year that HouseBot gets the attention it deserves. :)

You know you are desperate when you are visiting the competition's (HomeSeer) message forum on a regular basis just to get your fix for the day since there isn't much going on here. :) And from time to time you wonder why you didn't just spend the extra bucks and go with a product that is actively being supported by both the company and a rather large community.
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Post by kilowatt »


Any chance this could be fixed now? I opened a ticket with Meedio but they never got to it. I would be willing to make the changes if you want to supply me the code.


Some of the links in this thread might stop working if the Meedio forum web site goes down
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Post by ScottBot »

Let me give it another shot first. I can work with you on testing the fix.
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W800 v2.09 fixes both these issues

Post by andremu »


A few weeks back you let me have a copy of the W800.dll v2.09, which I have tested and it FIXED both issues:

1) Tests for complement in X10 codes (and completely eliminated the flood of spurious X10 commands I was receiving). RF X10 command reception via W800 in my house is now 100% accurate.
2) DS10A devices work as advertised.

However, this version (v2.09) is not included in your CeBotics HouseBot 2.30. The version in HouseBot 2.30 correctly filters out non-complement noise, but DS10A's don't work.

I have now just exited HouseBot, deleted the W800.dll that was installed in the C:\Program Files\HouseBot\Plugins\Interfaces folder by HouseBot 2.30, and replaced with your v2.09, and this has fixed the problem. No noisy X10 AND my door sensors work.

BTW - all the W800.dll files are the same size 49,227 bytes, and all report the same version number under Windows Explorer properties (, so it's hard to tell them apart in Windows, but HouseBot does display the the version number in the System Log after start-up.

Scott, I've attached the V2.09 dll to this thread, so others can download it too. In your next release of HouseBot, please remember to include the latest version of W800.dll in the installer, and a suggestion - could you perhaps recompile the latest driver to include the version number in the file properties?

Thanks once again for a brilliant piece of software.

W800 v2.09.zip
W800.dll version 2.09 (eliminates non-complementary X10 noise commands, and works with X10 security sensors such as DS10A)
(16.42 KiB) Downloaded 394 times
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