Client: Cannot resolve address [server]:error 0

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Client: Cannot resolve address [server]:error 0

Post by markd »

I found one other reference to this error type, but my circumstances are a little different.

I get this error on my software remote when the server goes down. Then when the server comes back up, the error report box prevents the SW remote from continuing. Its also behind the remote, which means it isn't immediately obvious.

Is there a way to suppress this error report? I'd prefer if it took the remote down, then the batch file would re-start it automatically. (and my server too, if needed, by magic packet WOL)

Any input?


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Post by yaccri »

I also would like the SWRemote to continue working when HBServer comes back to life.

If you are using a batch file for loading HBServer and SWRemote, you can add the command:
'tskill SWRemote'

This would remove all instances of SWRemote.

Then you can load SWRemote again.
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Post by markd »

I'm not sure what you mean by
If you are using a batch file for loading HBServer and SWRemote, you can add the command:
'tskill SWRemote'
I use a batch file on my server to restart Housebot if it should crash.
I also use one on the SW remote machine to restart the SW remote if it should crash (or the box lose power).

But it never gets out to the batch file when it takes this error, it just hangs the SW remote until I come along and click the box. Then it happily re-connects without ever terminating.

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Post by yaccri »

I should have mentioned that what I suggested will work if you have the server and the client(s) running on the same PC. In that case, the batch could also restart the SWRemote(s).

You can also use a remote execute program like (found by Scott). I suppose that you can add it to your batch to remotely kill and restart the clients on the other machines.
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Post by loo_hoo_ser »

I'd prefer it if both the HB server AND the SW remotes were more tolerant of network errors.

Two cases:

1) If a SW remote goes down (computer goes to sleep), the HB server goes nuts and produces error messages: "send() failed: error 10054". At least that is what I believe causes this message to appear in the HB server.

2) If a remote computer goes to sleep with a running instance of the SW remote, waking it up often produces a dialog box that says "Client: Cannot resolve address [server]:error 0".

I would like for the SW remote to not actually produce a dialog box at all - it would be better if it had some kind of indicator that its connection to the server is alive (a little graphic in the corner that flashes if the connection goes dead). As it is, the current implementation of the dialog box appearring is disruptive and causes problems like the ones described in the above replies.
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Post by ScottBot »

To prevent the 'Cannot resolve address _' error, use the IP address of the server instead of the name (if you can).
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Post by markd »

Ok, I'm giving it a try. Doesn't seem to mess up anything else on my network (knock on wood ;-)


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