Where did "Send IR Command" go?

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Dazed and confused
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:27 am

Where did "Send IR Command" go?

Post by Dazed and confused »

When I went into the property manager, "Send IR Command" is no longer on the list. If I try to add it again the "Not Unique" message box appears. All my IR commands work through the USB-UIRT. WTF?

Any ideas???

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Post by ScottBot »

Not sure. It should be there. It's right above "Send Message" in my list.
Dazed and confused
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:27 am

Post by Dazed and confused »

I agree, it should be there but it isn't. I've had other weird things happen like "select" boxes not appearing in the HouseBot program. I don't know if the program is corrupt or what the heck is going on. I do know I'll be in trouble if I need to add property values to that segment of the property manager.

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Post by ScottBot »

Sounds like maybe the database might be the problem. If you want to send your HBData.mdb file to me ([email protected]), I'll give it a look and see if there's something I can do to fix it.
Richard Naninck
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Post by Richard Naninck »

I have that in my list as well, but never knew abot this property. I created separate IR Send properties per device with only those values that are unique to the device. This was done when I first started using HouseBot and I didn't know exactly how all of this stuff worked. I figured I couldn't re-use a property for multiple devices. Actually, come to think of it I guess I only use the Time properties from the original setup and all the rest of the properties are custom made.

Bottom line... You could always recreate this or such a property if your database appears to be corrupt. It will require some work, but you should not be at a loss!

Good luck
Dazed and confused
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:27 am

Post by Dazed and confused »

Thanks Richard,

You are correct of course. I was more concerned about the stability of the program as a whole on my machine. The HouseBot program has been the most wonderful, taylorable, software I've ever used. It truly is Genius! The remote control I use with it has evolved over a long period of time. I would hate to have to start over because of some silly glitch that I created.

Dazed and confused
Posts: 19
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Post by Dazed and confused »

Thanks Scott,

I'll try to send that file to you. I'll look.

Dazed and confused
Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:27 am

Post by Dazed and confused »

For those members curious to know the cause and resolution to this problem or generally seeking closure for this thread, here is the ugly truth.

It appears that I somehow changed the "Send IR Command" to "ableOnDemandF1". I have no idea how I did that but knowing me like I do, I have no trouble believing I did so.

Now, for the accolades.

At Scott's request I emailed him the HBData file. In short order and true heroic form, he found the cause and offered a solution. Heres to Scott, Kudos to an extraordinary person.

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