Insteon Plugin

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Insteon Plugin

Post by ScottBot »

I've made a quick pass through trying to get a plugin to work with SmartHome Insteon. I've only got a single USB interface and a switch, so in no way can I say I've done a lot of testing with this. However, it seems to be holding together well enough that I would like to share it with anyone who has some Insteon devices and would like to use/test it.

Right now it ONLY supports turning a switch ON, OFF, or setting a dim level. It will also update the HouseBot Device with the property On, Off, or Dim level if the switch is changed manually.

It DOES NOT support any X10... yet. I plan on adding this in the future, but this release is Insteon only.

The help files aren't much help at this point.

If you have any problems or questions, you can email me at [email protected].

You can download the plugins here.

Have fun and Happy New Year,
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Post by ScottBot »

Just a couple of quick tips for installing it. After running the plugin setup program....
  • Select File/New/Interface... and select PowerLinc V2 Insteon Hardware Module from the list.
  • Set the Enabled Property of the interface to Yes. The SmartHome Device Manager (SDM) should appear in the system taskbar.
  • Then select File/New/Device... and select 'Requires Hardware Interface'. Select the Hardware Interface you just created and then select the Insteon Switch Device and continue through the Wizard. Use the Switch Device for all Insteon Devices.
  • When prompted for the Insteon address of the device, use the value on the sticker attached to the switch to control (something like 01.5a.22).
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Post by bjlamarca »

Thank you ScottBot

I just ordered the PowerLinc Insteon USB Controller. I will be sure to post feedback once I get it.

Happy New Year to all Housebotters out there!

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Post by ScottBot »

I just updated the plugin with these changes:
  • Fixed the Get Status Property to actually get the status from the device :oops:
  • Added a Single Group Controller Device. This device will allow you to receive commands sent from controllers. You have to link the actual Insteon controller to the PowerLinc manually, but then the HouseBot Device will update with changes sent from the controller for the particular group.

    You can still download it from here.
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Post by pavlov70 »

Just got my PowerLinc in today and started to play around with it. In the brief period I've used it, so far it seems to be controlling my Insteon devices just fine. Also using the connector in ME. Will download the latest update and try out my KeypadLincs.

Keep up the good work Scott!


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Post by ScottBot »

I've just released another update (sorry about two in one weekend, but it's the only time I get to work on it). The Insteon switch device will now automatically update its status when the switch is changed locally providing true 2-way communications. Note, you must link the switch to your controller for this to work.

Download here.
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insteon plug-in

Post by tjm000 »

Good stuff. Thanks.
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Post by Nullen_Void »

did the INSTEON plugin get taken down.

I just picked up a PowerLinc Serial and wanted to test it.

but the link no longer works.
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Post by ScottBot »

Try here.
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Post by bjlamarca »


I know that you are busy, but this simple fix would be much appreciated. I find the best way to check the status of a insteon light is by the 'Dim Level.' The problem is, if you turn off an insteon device off, the 'Power State' reads 'Off', but the dim level reads the last dim level, not zero as it should. Even after you poll the device. The vice-versa occurs if you turn on a device on.
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Post by bjlamarca »

Just installed HB v3, and it looks like all my insteon instability issues are gone. Thanks Scott :D Now I can continue my development.

I would like to re-address my last post. I would love my insteon-HB setup to be fully 'state aware'. Meaning, if you turn a SwitchLinc on/off or adjust the dim level, the HB device shows the respective changes. I currently have funny things happen. For example:

If I turn the office light off (from the switch), the HB device changes 'Dim Level' = '1' and leaves the 'Power State' = 'On' when it should be 'Dim level' = '0' and 'Power State' = 'Off'

The SwitchLinc device is linked to the V2. Futher, when I check the SDM log, you can see that the Switch is sending its status updates out to the network. It seems that the HB Insteon Plug-in is just not reading the info correctly.

I would appreciate if you could take a look.
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Post by ScottBot »

Yes, I still need to look at that. It should have been in the V3 list, but must have got lost in the shuffle. I'll let you know when I have something.
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Post by roussell »


I think I asked this in a previous time/post but...

Have you had a chance to look at the Insteon PLM ( yet? It replaces the PLC and the SDM. From what I've read, all it takes is ::cough:: simple ASCII commands for communication.

On the surface, it sounds like this may be the better long-term choice for Insteon communication...

Here is a link to the PLM Developers Guide:

My $.02

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Post by ScottBot »

I've got a PLM and the dev manual sitting right next to me. It's on the list of things to do now that V3 has been released.
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Post by roussell »

Man, I'm jealous! The boss (accounting manager, better half, ball and chain, etc.) hasn't given me the clearance to order mine yet. :(
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