The only interface that needs to be supported by the plugin is the SendIR interface.
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InterfaceInfo g_InterfaceSendIR = {
"SendIR( IRPosition, [Property Value] )",
"This interface will send the IR command that corresponds to IR Position specified.",
Make sure to export the function.
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extern "C" HOUSEBOT_HARDWARE_API BOOL SendIR( HARDWARE_INSTANCE_HANDLE hInstanceHandle, InterfaceArgumentPack* pPack )
// Send the code here. Something like this can be used and is used as an example below.
return( m_mapInstances[ hInstanceHandle ]->SendIR( pPack ) );
A function similar to the one below must can created and called from the main SendIR() export above. It is called with the InterfaceArgumentPack that contains the IR position and optional property value.
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HARDWARE_RC YourClassHere::SendIR( InterfaceArgumentPack* pPack )
// Make sure we can handle the version of the struct.
if (pPack->m_nArgumentPackVersion != SUPPORTED_ARGUMENT_PACK_VERSION)
TraceMessage( ttError, "Unsupported Argument Pack Version [%s]. Must be version [%d]", pPack->m_nArgumentPackVersion, SUPPORTED_ARGUMENT_PACK_VERSION );
return( hrcFailureAbort );
// Make sure there are enough arguments.
if (pPack->m_nNumberOfArguments < 1)
TraceMessage( ttError, "Invalid number of arguments supplied to SendIR() interface. Expected 1. Received %d", pPack->m_nNumberOfArguments );
return( hrcFailureAbort );
if (!m_bEnabled)
return( hrcFailureAbort );
// Break out the arguments from the argument pack.
unsigned short usIRPosition = (unsigned short)IntFromInterfaceArgument( &(pPack->m_aArguments)[ 0 ] );
HARDWARE_RC rc = hrcSuccess;
// Get the specified IRCode from the server. Call the base class to get the info.
IRCode irCode;
if (!GetIRCodeFromPosition( usIRPosition, &irCode ))
TraceMessage( ttError, "Unable to retrieve IRCode from server for IR Position %d", usIRPosition );
rc = hrcFailureAbort;
// You now have the IRCode object with the information specific to the IR code.
// Send it to the physical interface and set rc = something appropriate.
return( rc );
If your interface can receive IR codes, here are a few tips on how to process and notify.
First you will need to get the IR Codes from the server so you have something to match incoming data against. I have not included every method in the code below, but it should give you the general idea.
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// We're using a member variable array 'm_aIRCodes' to hold the IR codes from the server.
// Clear the old array
// Check to see how large a buffer we need
DWORD dwBuffSize = 0;
if (GetIRCodes( NULL, &dwBuffSize ) &&
// Allocate the array memory
IRCode* pCodes = (IRCode*)malloc( dwBuffSize );
// Get fresh data from the server
if (GetIRCodes( pCodes, &dwBuffSize ))
for (int nLoop = 0; pCodes[ nLoop ].m_szDescription; nLoop++)
// CIRCode is just a simple class to encapsulate the IR code info received from the server.
// It has a constructor to convert from the basic IRCode object.
CIRCode* pCode = new CIRCode;
if (pCode->Init( pCodes+nLoop ))
// See if it is one of our IR Codes. Generally, there may be something specific
// that was stored in the 'interface specific data' portion of the IR data when the
// code was learned that can identify it as one of our codes.
if (pCode->IsOneOfOurCodes())
m_aIRCodes.Add( pCode );
delete pCode;
TraceMessage( ttError, "Unable to initialize IR Code [%s].", (IRCode*)(*pCodes+nLoop).m_szDescription );
// Delete the memory
free( pCodes );
To send a notification to the IRDevice when IR is detected, you must send the 'IR Response Received' notification message as shown below.
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CDataPack DataPack;
DataPack.AddData( "IR Number", [string with IR Number goes here] );
NotifySubscribedDevices( "IR Response Received", "", &DataPack );