Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

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Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by roussell »

Has anyone developed a recipe interface on the SWremotes? The wife has requested an easy way to look up recipes - both on-line and personal ones. I thought about just something from the web through a browser, but what fun is that? Plus, there's the need to store/recall her own recipes so a internet-only version is out. It would be nice to pull in web-based recipes maybe either through an html scrape or some sort of xml feed. I'm assuming this would need it's own database backend, and in the beginning I'd probably only return a big text box full of the recipe, but it would be nice to eventually search for recipes based on what you have on hand - (eg. what can I make with 1/2 lb of chicken). Strangely, the sonos player interface isn't too far from what I'd need - just substitute food for music. :). Eventually I'd like to have a similar system for drinks.

Sooo, any thoughts? Anything anyone would like to share? Has anyone ran across on-line scrape-able recipe databases? If nobody bites, I'll start cobbling something together and post it back here.

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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by Osler »

I like this idea as well. I had started a grocery list builder for use on the kitchen swremote, but life events didn't allow me to complete it. I can give you the current script as it is functional and may give you some ideas for a recipe page.

These two ideas could be integrated, as it would be nice to be able to pick a recipe and populate the grocery list with items you need.

Richard Naninck
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by Richard Naninck »

I would have if only I could find a good Dutch based dbase.
However I helped setting up one with user James Day but I forgot his username on this forum.
On the Meedio Forum, a very large dbase with over 14000 recipies is stored. Using SQLite, a scripted interface would do the job.
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by Steve Horn »

I thought about this at some point but realized I'd need someone to actually USE the recipes. And that's too expensive. :D
Richard Naninck
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by Richard Naninck »

I emailed James to see if he wants to join this thread.
In the mean time I will search for the Meedio recipe dbase and provide a link if I do find it.
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by James D »

Hello Folks,

Thanks Richard for the email. I do have a Recipe HB configuration. It still is kind of elementary (nothing fancy). I am exporting it as we speak. I have not even looks at this script in 8 months. I did a test on my server and it worked. It has a couple of quirks though, when you update the recipes it takes about 4 to 8 min to update (well i does on my 700 mhz server). It is kind of cumbersome to update. I just inputed additional recipes via office access. I hope it points you in the right direction. Just give me a sec to upload it.
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by James D »

Here is the RECIPE.HBX

I hope it works for you.

Make sure to click the sort button
Then Click update first.
This Let housebot update the name fields
Then the names of Recipes should be there.
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by roussell »

Wow, Thanks everyone for all the replies, and James a special thanks for the great recipe script and example - it's great. I have some mods in mind, but I'll post any changes back here for others.

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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by James D »

Hey roussell I can not take all the credit. Thanks to Richard for all the help in training a non-scripter to an elementary-scripter. I just know enough to break a VB script. LOL. I am looking for your modification and improvement. I also have over 12000 recipes too. I just placed a few of the recipes in the HBX file, so you can see how the program works. I was not sure if the forum site could upload a 4 meg zip file or not. But you can hit me up, and I can PM you the complete recipe file.
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by James D »

I just wanted to see if the file with all 12000 recipes would upload to the forum. Just a note of caution... When I update the the Recipe database it takes my 700mhz server about 4 - 8 mins to complete the update. But those with faster processor will more than likely be OK.

Just unzip the file.
And overwrite the Recipes_Final.mdb in the HB/Config/DATA directory and you will have more recipes than you could ever cook. lol
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Re: Recipe lookups for kitchen swremote?

Post by raptor_demon »


This is great thanks for your hard work.

Is there any way to add recipies without Access?

Also i found that it says "Name list is updating" all the time, is this normal?

Thanks Raptor
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