Housebot Webserver

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Housebot Webserver

Post by TrOjAn »

Hi all, I am trying HouseBot out and have spent the last 3 hours trying to find the webserver configuration page but to no avail.

I have trawled the thousands of pages on the forums and still cannot find any information that can point me to it... does it not exist in the trial??

Thanks, TrOjAn
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Re: Housebot Webserver

Post by roussell »

Welcome to Housebot, sorry you're having a difficult time getting started.

There is no web-based configuration page in HouseBot. There is an ActiveX component that exposes HouseBot parameters (called properties) that allows you to develop custom webpages that interact with HouseBot, but no configuration page. You setup and configure HouseBot in Windows.

Post any questions or problems you have and someone here will be able to help you. There are some very knowledgeable people on the forum.

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Re: Housebot Webserver

Post by roussell »

Hey TrOjAn, have you had a chance to play around with HouseBot any more? I'm guessing you're shopping around and found HouseBot. I'd love to hear your thoughts and see if any of us can help you with anything.

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