Calling Sonos users

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by CouchPotatoe »

Thanks Victor - the theme import ran this time.

I've a few things not quite working quite as expected but I'll have a play around and feel sure I can get there now.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

After installing the files for the new version of the script (2.0.5) I was having problems with browsing the Internet Radio Stations. I went back to the previous script and wsc but still I am not able to browse them. When the SearchType is changed to R: it doesn't populate the list with the Internet Radio Stations. To go back to the previous version I unregistered the newest .wsc file and re-registered the old one. Is there anything else that I should do?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

What you have done should put you back to the previous version. Not sure what the problem is. Did you recently perform the Sonos update as well? Did you reboot the server?

I will take a look at internet radio when I get home. I use it infrequently so there could be a bug that I have not identified.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

Osler, did you by any chance found something wrong with the internet radio in the script?


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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

Briefly, I think I was also unable to bring anything up. This may be a consequence of the recent update from Sonos. Let me look a little further at it. Spare time is short for me at the moment.


Update: Ok...add an option to choose R:0/0 in the property value list for ZPSearchType. Call this value from within the theme to access your locally stored favorite radio list on your ZPs. Not sure how this got lost, but I haven't worked on the code in quite a while so I am sure I forget things from time to time. I haven't yet added radio to my current them (now many months later), so let me know if there are any further issues. FYI, this works with the most current code as well.
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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

Hi Osler, everyone

A new years resolution is to move my HB Sonos project on. Trying out the new theme and associated scripts from October.

Having some issues importing the new plain theme - the same as others - but no luck with the modded .xml file. Any chance of a new sonos only .HBX export?


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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

See if this works for you.

Plain 1024x768 - Sonos Only.hbx
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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

Import now working, now having a good look around. Looks very good so far.

Osler, many thanks for your quick response.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

Osler, the R:0/0 works and shows the favorite stations, but when trying to play them it doesn't work. It just changes back to stopped. I know you don't use it that much so don't worry I can use the sonos controller if needed.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

Victor: should work. I'll look at it tomorrow. I actually have a day off...though I have to look after the rugrats. Using the controller with my script is not an option. I'm pretty sure I have to add some additional code to support radio. I distinctly remember thinking about doing it many months ago and then time slipped away.

On that anyone really using the latest version of the code or has everyone dropped back to the next version back (i.e., no album are included with browsing through the library)?

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »


Certainy count me in for the new version; I'm very impressed so far.

Can confirm the same radio results as Victor when using R:0/0

One of the most attractive parts of the new scripts is the pre-loaded album art, and it's use within music selection. The SonosAlbumArt script errors after displaying the track count (I'm on a work PC so cannot recall the error code). I placed both within the theme folder, but maybe doing something else wrong. If working for others, I shall re-check my steps...

This is by far the best Home Automation solution for the Sonos, so hopefully you should get more confirmations of interest.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

I agree with Tony. This integration was the main reason to buy the Sonos. It's definitively the best script out there. Sometimes I just want to be sensible on my requests since I know the effort it takes. Great support from Osler as always.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

It looks like the radio problem is in the MusicSelection_<ZoneName> task. I haven't included any logic for it to do anything when radio is selected, hence the uri is not getting passed to the ZP. I will get it modified and finish my radio panel and post it. If you want to mess with the task to try to get it to work using R:0/0 you can. Give me some time...I finally have a nice weekend off.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

OK...I have radio working....I think.

Download the script below and put it into C:\Program Files\HouseBot\Config\Scripts.

Edit each of your MusicSelection-<ZoneName> tasks and add the following (make sure you use the property value substitution button (PV) to add '%%ZP_<ZoneName>.ZPBrowseSelection%% to the task):

Code: Select all

Else If ('ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPBrowseDepth' is Equal '0') And
  If ('ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPSearchType' is Equal 'R:0/0') Then
    Change 'ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPPlayNowURI' to '%%ZP_<ZoneName>.ZPBrowseSelection%%'
Else If ('ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPBrowseDepth' is Equal '0') And
  If ('ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPSearchType' is Equal 'R:0/1') Then
    Change 'ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPPlayNowURI' to '%%ZP_<ZoneName>.ZPBrowseSelection%%'
When you edit the task the final else block will get messed up so delete it first and then, after putting the above into the task, add a final else block that has this:

Code: Select all

    Change 'ZP_<Zone Name>.ZPBrowse' to 'Forward'
Open your theme and add property change buttons to your music selection screen that change ZPSearchType to R:0/0 for favorite radio stations and R:0/1 for favorite podcasts.

Edit your property values for ZPSearchType under Settings->Property Manager. Add R:0/0 and R:0/1 as acceptable property values.

Stop each ZP using ZPScriptState. Point each ZP to the new script and set them to 'Running'.

This should fix it up. If there are issues, please post.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

TonyG and Victor:

Have either of you been able to get the album art script to download all of your artwork to your HouseBot PC?

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