Insteon PLM vs Powerlinc PLC

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Insteon PLM vs Powerlinc PLC

Post by loo_hoo_ser »

Hi All -

Longtime Housebot user. Haven't logged into this forum for years. I'm still running Housebot all this time - writing my own VB code, etc. I've been using the Smarthome X10 stuff (toggle lincs, lamplincs with a few 3rd party X10 modules here and there). I had been using the original X10 Powerlinc PLC with Housebot v2.2 this whole time. Yes, I still was running v2.2 and it was working well enough for me! :)

Fast forward to now... my Powerlinc PLC finally bit the dust after an odd power surge. The PLC seems to communicate with the PC well enough but didn't seem to send/receive any X10 commands on the powerline. Figured it was broken - it wasn't the first time that this happened, Smarthome had sent me a replacement Powerlinc years ago when the same thing happened. This particular unit managed to run for years without a problem... until now.

Smarthome doesn't seem to offer the Powerlinc anymore and now they have Insteons with X10 compatibility. I bought an Insteon PLM, dual band (model 2413U). My research showed that it was preferable to the Insteon PLC and that the PLM was compatible with Housebot even though the software hadn't been maintained much recently. However... I did have to upgrade to v3.3 to get the Insteon PLM functionality.

Here are a couple of my observations/questions/concerns.

1) The upgrade went fantastically smoothly! Kudos to Scottbot - I upgraded in place over v2.2 and found that it kept the database and all the old stuff I had in place. I was worried that I would have to start from scratch (new tasks, devices, scripts, etc). I was very pleased that this was not the case. All I had to do was to change the hardware devices from Powerlinc to the Insteon PLM modem and that was that.

2) The response time for the Insteon PLM for X10 commands is SLOW!!! WHen I send an X10 command, it seems to take about 2 seconds for it to finally register at the light/appliance. The Powerlinc was never this slow (less than 1 second).

3) It seems that the X10 commands don't broadcast as well as the Powerlinc did. I have the Insteon PLM in the same outlet as the Powerlinc was. I also have a phase coupler bridge at the dryer outlet in the same place. Yet when I send the X10 commands, some of the devices don't respond until multiple tries (or not at all). I'm very disappointed with the Insteon PLM's X10 compatibility. I haven't changed anything else, I had presumed that the Insteon PLM would work just as well or better in X10 mode. Not ready to take the Insteon plunge.

4) Along with the Insteon PLM, I bought about 4 Insteon devices. I haven't yet linked them - they're in X10 mode. Yet when I try to use the link database feature in Housebot by entering the device address, Housebot can't seem to find the Insteon device? Is it because it's already locked into the X10 mode and won't respond? BTW, I think this linking thing is too complicated because you have to track the link pairs unless there is an application that can traverse all the devices for you.

5) I keep seeing references to a freeware Insteon Explorer application that promises to make the linking job easier. I can't find a download link for this. The original link (author of the application) seems to be dead.

6) In light of the apparent poor X10 performance of the Insteon PLM, is there another X10 modem product that I could try that's compatible with Housebot?

Sorry for the long winded email...
Steve Horn
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Re: Insteon PLM vs Powerlinc PLC

Post by Steve Horn »

You could try using an ADI Ocelot or Leopard to interface HB with X10 devices. I was using both at one time or another for several years before I converted to Insteon. There is a HB plugin for the Ocelot/Leopard. I don't remember the details of the hardware device interface though... It's been a long time. I've still got the Ocelot if you cannot resolve your PLM Issues and want to try the ADI as an all alternative.
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Re: Insteon PLM vs Powerlinc PLC

Post by loo_hoo_ser »

Hi Steve -

Thanks for replying!

I could be persuaded to keep using the Insteon but I'd like to do it gradually (ie. phase in more Insteon products). Do you have the Insteon PLC or PLM? If the PLM, are you using the serial or USB interface version?

I have the USB interface of the Insteon PLM, but it really is a USB to serial converter inside. I seem to notice Housebot losing communication with the Insteon PLM and am wondering if it's just a poor USB/serial implementation (or just poorly written drivers). Wondering if I should send this back and go with a serial interface and use a serial board.
Steve Horn
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Re: Insteon PLM vs Powerlinc PLC

Post by Steve Horn »

I am using the RS232 version of the PLM. like you, my PLC failed several years ago, about the time the PLM came out. I rarely encounter any delay issues and no lost comm issues with the PLM, that I could attribute to the PLM, and not HB or the long in the tooth PC it was running on.
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