Image Control that sizes graphics to fit

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Image Control that sizes graphics to fit

Post by Circe640 »

Scott -- What is the possibility of another Image control that will resize an image file to fit a defined image dimension as opposed to the current control that uses the image to define the size occupied on the screen? In looking at trying to build a jukebox style of panel, typically there is a display of thumbnails of the album covers as well as a large image of the currently selected album. Most of the album cover grabbers grab a 500x500 pixel image. In order to use this it would have to be resized down to about 50x50 for 10 across on a 640 wide screen or 100x100 on a 1280 wide screen with the main image sitting at full size in a 1280 wide screen or about 200 square on 640 and smaller yet on PPC displays. In the control definition one would specify a pixel width and length and when an image is loaded the largest dimension is compared to the appropriate defined pixel dimension for the control and scaled to fit. With this in place, a combination of existing list/directory controls, some VB scripting and some structure as to playlist and cover graphics naming standards would allow the building of a fairly full function jukebox within HouseBot
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Post by ScottBot »

I don't think it would be too difficult to scale the image if specified. The only downside, is that the entire image would be first copied to the client and then scaled when shown.

I'll add it to the list.

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