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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:07 am
by dlmorgan999
Hi Heff,

These are the very first functions I set up and it's quite easy to do.

1. Create five property change buttons on a HouseBot theme panel

2. Use the Meedio Connector device you created for the device name

3. Use the "Command to Send" property on each button

4. Set the values to LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, SELECT

-- Dave

Executing Meedio Modules directly

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:43 am
by loo_hoo_ser

How would I go about having Housebot execute Meedio modules directly, or rather, the menu items I have in Meedio Essentials?

For example, I have a program module that invokes TheaterTek with certain command line options from a Meedio menu. How would I get the Housebot connector execute this menu item directly as if I were selecting it from Meedio Essentials itself?


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:13 am
by acheslow
To answer Heff and loo_hoo_ser -

You can set a jump target name for any module in the Meedio Essentials configuration tool and then in Meedio HouseBot set the value of the "Message to Send" property of the Meedio Connector device to:

Code: Select all

system.jump target=jumpname

where jumpname is the name of the target defined in Meedio Essentials.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:19 am
by loo_hoo_ser
Hi again,

Building onto the last post that I wrote,

I am having problems with my Housebot talk to the Meedio connector on my Meedio setup.

I do have HB 2.22 and Meedio Essentials 1.33 and followed everything in the README.TXt that came with the Housebot connector package.

I created a software device in Housebot and named it to match the name of the instance in Meedio Essentials Housebot plug in. It appears that if you don't name the software device in HB with the same name as the Housebot plugin in Meedio Essientals, Housebot can't see it (there is no place to enter a specific IP address so I am surmising that it gets that information from the instance name when Meedio Essientials hooks up with HB).

Anyway... From Housebot, I am successfully able to send COMMANDS to Meedio Essentials (e.g. LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, SELECT) when I enter a command in the property value field. However, when I try to send a MESSAGE, Housebot promptly crashes! Just plain exits - no error messages of any sort!

What am I doing wrong here? Also, it appears that a MESSAGE is what I need to send to Meedio Essentials in the form of "system.jump <target>" where <target> is the jump target name of the menu item I wish to execute.

Can anyone help me figure out why I can send commands to my Meedio Essentials, but not messages that appear to cause my instance of Housebot to crash??


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:23 am
by loo_hoo_ser

It appears you wrote your reply while I was writing my above post. It appears I was on the right track, but I forgot to include the "=" - I was entering system.jump <target name>" without the equal sign.

I modified the message to the correct format that you posted (including the equal sign). However, that did not work. My Housebot instance still crashes and burn by exiting promptly when attempting to send a message to Meedio Essentials. It appears sending any message causes my HB to crash/exit.


edit - was incorrect in my original response

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:40 am
by loo_hoo_ser
Sorry to write so many posts - it looks as if I'm talking to myself!

I've had some success in getting what I wanted - by sending a COMMAND, I can jump to specific target by sending the name of the jump target itself.

First, you have to configure it as a command in the input tab of Meedio and adding the name of the desired jump target of the module to invoke. This will make it available as a command to HB.

However, I'm still bothered that I can't send messages to Meedio because that locks me out of many capabilities of Meedio from HB.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:36 pm
by davidne0uk
I am also seeing the same issue as BigBen, unable to change the value of any device property that has a numeric value, e.g Leviton Dim Level, Thermostat Set point, etc. I can see the value in Meedio, but it can't be changed.

Is there anyway of getting the values of the properties into the library so I can use them on datafeeds?


Finally working

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:59 pm
by ozhtpc
Thanks for the pre-release plug-in. I have now successfully configured Meedio to control my Home Theatre. I can now start a movie using a preset for the theatre environment that does the following with one Meedio control

Lower Screen

Dim Ceiling lights

Turn on Rope Lights

Turn on seat lighting

Turn on Exit lights

Turn on On-Air lights

Turn Powered Sub-Woofer On

Turn Exhaust Fan on

I created a null devive in Housebot to so this and set up a task based on the value of the property fo that null device. eg "StartMovie=Start" or "StartMove=Stop".

By changing the property value to Stop the inverse of the above happens.

I also have individual controls for each device.

I now startup Housebot, then Meedio in myHTPC Startup and now control TV, Radio, CD Player, DVD Player, Divx Movies, Internet Weather and Home Automation with a Streamzap remote.

Now I can hand it over to the wife and kids.

My next experiment is to embed the housebot movie start/stop tasks in to the Meedio Essentials Movie Play and Stop buttons.

command/message list

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:50 am
by Davieboy
Has anybody got a list of commands/messages that meedio can respond to from the housebot plugin? I have found a basic list in the input menu on the configuration tool for Meedio. I am looking for some more advanced control like change aspect ratio etc. Also if anybody knows where i might find some nice icons for remote skins that would be great. Thanks guys

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:01 am
by Pinkie2

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:39 am
by Davieboy
thanks for the links pinkie2

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:28 pm
by Pinkie2
Can Pda-softwareremote react on messages send by meedio???

Housebot Plugin unstable

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:31 am
by ozhtpc
I have looked back at previous forum messages and found an old Meedio problem now re-occurring as a result of using the Housebot Plug-in. Whilst the housebot plugin is enabled I am not able to play movies from disk, It will start playing a movie that was not already partly played and then freeze all control of Meedio (but still keeps playing the movie). If a movie was to be resumed, then it would not do anything and then freeze.

My only option is to disable the plugin until this can be solved.

I have also noticed that Meedio now takes about 30 seconds to load (plugins) Again the housebot plugin is the culprit as it loads instantly when it is disabled.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:20 am
by Pinkie2

do you have any idea how I can change panles from Essentials on my SoftwareRemote?

So that a pop-up on my SR says who's calling me or that the "dvd-control-panel" is shown, when I insert a dvd in my HTPC?

Or is tgere a possibility to start a *.exe (e.g. HB_Control) on the start up of a screen-file?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:05 am
by Pinkie2
How can I set parameters to the Message I send to Meedio from HBConnector?