Calling Sonos users

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

It works great. Thanks a lot Jeff. I will work with it during the weekend to set up the needed tasks

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

Hi Osler,

Thanks again for this solution. So many questions - as it opens up many possibilities...

Todays question!

Continous Scrolling through music selection

On the right of my selection screen (based on I-Sonos theme)I'm using the new "up" and "down" page controls, with ZPBrowsePercent indicator. The music lists are displayed using ZPBrowseList. As you know, my car solution uses a rotary encoder for the basis of navigation. Is it possible to scroll beyond the page limits? (not to have to use page-up / page-down, but have a continuous scroll). Any way of doing this would suit car use - as less button operations are better..

Cheers, Anthony
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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

Sorry Osler, didn't think the next question would come so quickly!

Cannot make music selection

According to an earlier post by yourself, I have followed the AddSong-"zone name" all the way through. I have set the zone name, and have correctly renamed all panels. In my case the zone=Caravelle, and the panel in question = AddSong-Caravelle.

When I go to MusicMenu-Caravelle, I see my collection, and when I click/double-click/hit enter on a listed item nothing happens. This is where the AddSong-Caravelle popup should be called I believe.

I have studied the script and can see the various calls in question. I have been working on this since my last post...

At this stage, do you have any advice in terms of how or where to start troubleshooting? - I have also renamed your ISonos theme and tried that with the same results.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

Tony, lets see if I can help with some of your questions:

On the first one regarding scrolling down, there is a parameter in the device called ZPBrowseReturn that is the one that defines how many items you want in your list (ex. if you change it to 20 you will get 20 items in your list and you will be able to use the scroll down to see them) However, I imagine there is a limit on how many items you can get into the list so it won't probably fit your whole music collection.

On the second one, after you select the item in the list you will have to hit the SELECT button and the bottom of the panel. Double click doesn't work as coded but you could change the script to make it work.

Hope it helps,

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »


Working! - I had previously tried copying the select (forward) command before I changed my zone descriptions to match my own environment. Do both = and it works. Obvious now, but "select" seems to be a good choice for this command - maybe it has to be called "forward" for uPNP compliance...

The ZPBrowsereturn works well. I have just tried a value of 1000 (for fun) and it returns a lit of 1000. Wonderful.

Victor, thankyou so much for your help. I may yet have this system working for our holiday!

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

Sorry folks. I have been away for the past week in a technology-free zone.

Sounds like all the questions were answered (thanks Victor!). I use Forward as the ZPBrowse command for moving deeper into the MusicSelection menu AND selecting a particular item because the structure of the tree changes depending upon how you are drilling down into the menu (Artist, Album, Genre, etc). Each time Forward is sent, the selection is analyzed within the script to see if it is a playlist, whole album, track, or a sub-menu. The action that follows is predicated upon this (i.e., add the playlist/album/song to the queue or drill down another level in the music menu). Maybe not the best way to do it...but it works. You can name your button to send the Forward command to ZPBrowse "Select"...this is what I do.

Also, you can use double-click within the list control without changing the script. You simply need to edit the double-click property change field of the list control and tell it to change ZPAddURI or ZPPlayNowURI to the selected value. If the selection is not one that can be added or played (i.e., a sub-menu) then it should be ignored by the script. In order to enable drilling down AND adding with the double-click command, then some additional logic would need to be added to either the ZPAddURI or ZPPlayNowURI If/Then statement (I think it is in the housekeeping sub...but can't quite remember) to evaluate the selection and act upon it accordingly as I do in the Browse2 sub for a "Forward" command from ZPBrowse.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »


It's good to get away from technology once in a while...

Thanks for your information: the description of forward makes sense with the explanation given!

Girder (sorry) has come to the rescue for the music selection. If and when I can use my HID devices direct within Housebot this can change. As it is, the soft switches all use housebot directly. It's just the encoder and encoder switches that need girder. It detects the "wheelup" and "wheeldown", and encoder switch and then sends an appropriate command dependent on the software the encoder is controlling at any given time (Sonos, Navigation, Phone apps).

Back to the topic. The Sonos control is working very nicely, and will be used on holiday in the next few weeks. I sometimes get "drop-outs" where housebot needs restarting. So far, it works better with the force reconnect (away from the app for correct description) feature in the script disabled. Will take a closer look at why on my return.

I've looked through the thread many times, but would like to understand a little more about the current status of getting the radio working. Sorry to be asking so many questions. I'm hooked!

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »


I presume you mean internet radio and not line-in? Currently, sonos uses an online service (RadioTime) to provide metadata and links to internet radio. It used to be that radio was actually all stored internally on the ZP and I could access it the same way I browse music and playlists. The only thing accessible via my script are your favorite stations, which you can add via the desktop controller. I have no plans at the moment to add RadioTime or other music services because: A) I don't really use them; and B) it will require more of my time than I am willing to put into it.

I don't use the force reconnect method...wrote that in for Victor but it doesn't seem to work as advertised. I have made a lot of changes to the script and am putting it through it's paces (been up for a few months and seems relatively stable). I am going to post this version soon, but it will likely break the interaction with you current theme set-up. Within this version I have implemented a mechanism to try to maintain the connection in a bit of a better manner (hopefully).

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

Hi Osler,

Thanks for your quick response.

Accessing Radio using presets would be perfect for car use. I have a button called "favourites" for my top overall functions, and I'll try to see if I can directly access some radio stations from there.

I go on holiday on Friday, so it looks like I'm done for now. Look forward to seeing your update.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

Hello Osler,

Housebot and your Sonos solution worked very well on Holiday - 2 weeks and no droputs. Everything worked better when I decided to shutdown and restart with each journey as opposed to using Hibernate.

Reading your last message suggests something new/different is in the pipe - as I'm now hooked - do you have any more information?


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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

I have modified the script around a new theme that is designed after a CQC theme from Vidabox ( ). Their theme is elegant and simple and is perfect for reusable elements.

This is a shot of the theme I am talking about from the vidabox site ( ). Very nice layout IMO

Features I have added include:

1) Album art is displayed as you move through the music library to search for songs. As you single click on an item in the list control, the album art displayed will change. This actually requires a seperate script that searches through your music library via Sonos and downloads all available album art to a folder in your theme directory. The script will assign an album without art to a standard image for no album art (i.e., the black album with the white musical note as seen in itunes). The script needs to be run only once and then each time you add songs to the library or update your album art (folder.jpg or tagged).

2) When selecting an album or navigating to an album from the artist tree, a seperate panel is popped up (task driven instead of script driven so that you aren't popping screens on all of your remotes) that contains all of the songs for that album as well as the album art for the album. On this screen there are multiple ways to add one song or all of the songs to the queue. Similar to the vidabox theme panel below:

This is a another shot of the theme I am talking about from the vidabox site ( ) showing the song selection screen

3) Multiple new theme elements that are subdued black flat buttons with a white outline (as seen above). I currently have an 800x480 and 1024x768 theme for sonos designed around these elements.

4) I have added a new property that allows you to kill the script without depending on setting the script device to stopped. This may be more useful for individuals experiencing dropouts. I envision a task that would work with this property to stop and restart the script periodically.

5) There have been some additional minor modifications to the script as well that I really can't remember.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by vcruz777 »

Where is the download? Changes sound great!

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

Give me a few days. I have to work his weekend so don't have as much time as I would like.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by TonyG »

When selecting an album or navigating to an album from the artist tree, a seperate panel is popped up (task driven instead of script driven so that you aren't popping screens on all of your remotes) that contains all of the songs for that album as well as the album art for the album. On this screen there are multiple ways to add one song or all of the songs to the queue.
Hi Osler, looking forwards to these new features, especially the one above. Great stuff.

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Re: Calling Sonos users

Post by Osler »

Ok, attached at the end of this post are the most recent files for sonos integration into HouseBot. Script 2.05a will break usage of your current themes due to some modifications in how list properties are being populated when searching through the library. There is an import file included that will import two themes that work with this new script, 4 ZonePlayer devices with updated properties, and the tasks necessary for the theme to operate correctly. There are some other misc items that will be imported (weather device, sagetv device, receiver device, and tv device) because I was too lazy to break the theme apart. These can be easily deleted once the import is completed.

You will find a folder called AlbumArt Aggregator in the download. Within this folder is a folder called SonosAlbumArt and a script. Place the SonosAlbumArt folder within your HouseBot Theme folder. Then double click the script and all of your album art will be downloaded from the ZonePlayers to the SonosAlbumArt folder. This can take a LONG time depending on how many tracks you have in your collection. It will tell you how many tracks are to be search prior to starting. Mine was ~85,000 and it took over an hour for all of the art to download. A message box will pop once the download has been completed. You may want to wait to kick this off before you go to bed one night. The new theme needs these images to allow album art to be displayed as you move through album views in the music collection. I cache them to speed updating of the images on software remotes. This requires the new ZonePlayerController.wsc file included in the download.

Also included are all of the theme elements for what I am calling the Plain Theme. I will upload some images of it after this post. Enjoy and post any questions. I have yet to update the help files but I think most of you are adept enough to figure out the minor changes I have made.

HouseBot ZonePlayer Device
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