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Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:39 am
by talisman
Ok it looks like alot of you guys are able to do what i am TRYING to do, but im a novice to this and am lost, i keep reading snippits in here and just can work out how to do some things. so please help me.

I want to be able to control two things here (and if i learn to do them ill be able to figure out future additions)

i have a projector screen and front room light i want to control remotely.

i currently have hb runing with a device = projection screen, and device = front room light.

i control these with this HB connection in essentials. so i launch essentials go to HB menu, all devices, and there i have Front Room Light and Screen menu.

Go to Screem menu. down to status and can change fron up to down, and down to up for control. same with the lights, but on/off/dim etc

Now i cannot create a jump point (hot key CRTL+R = screen down). If i can find a way to have a key command assigned to screen down i can use my current remote control setup to do this.

but the only way i can think of doing this is by creating a command module in essentials and have it send a command thru to HB to alter a button state to ON, and then anthoer command to Button State = DOWN.

the idea is in my head but i have no idea how to move forward.

Do I create a command mod in essentials and if so what command do i send???? Is there a way or an easier way and if so i need the Idiot Guide version please. :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:13 pm
by Affini

I'm new to Meedio and just looking into possibly purchasing it. I need to find out if it will do what I need it to first.

Will Meedio + Housebot do this...

"tie" sets of images to devices (like X-10 dimmers) and have real-time status and feedback.


I have an X-10 dimmer in Housebot that I want to "tie" to a set of images that shows the dim level status and also acts as a button to set the dim level. Here's an example of this in my custom ASP pages in Homeseer (which I'd like to replace with Meedio!)...


I have animated gifs for devices with a simple on/off and a set of images that light up according to dim level for a specific device.

I'm interested to hear your feedback. Thank you.


Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:57 pm
by Affini
19 days and not a word about this from the Meedio team... hmmm.

I am interested in converting from Homeseer to Housebot (and completely migrating my HT & HA controls to the Meedio suite) but when even forum replies are not forcoming... makes me concerned about overall support for the product(s).

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:07 pm
by Affini
25 days... and counting.

must be too busy to take 5 minutes and anwers a prospective customer's question...

they are not in it for the money it seems... only the pure pleasure of coding!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:54 pm
by ScottBot

Well, I'm not Alan and I don't work for Meedio, but here's what I have to offer.

Affini wrote:Alan,
Will Meedio + Housebot do this...

"tie" sets of images to devices (like X-10 dimmers) and have real-time status and feedback.

I have an X-10 dimmer in Housebot that I want to "tie" to a set of images that shows the dim level status and also acts as a button to set the dim level.
Using a Software remote, you can create a user interface to do this. You can use 'Multi State' buttons that will both show the state of a Property by displaying an image (like a Power State for X10) and be able to change a Property value (like Power State) when the button is pressed. You can set it up to change different values depending on what the current value is. You can also use slider controls to both show the state of a dimmer and also to change it's value. As long as it is a 2-way x-10 switch that sends its status (either Leviton dim or preset dim), HouseBot will update the dim level state for that X10 Device and this can be displayed on a Software remote in any number of ways. If it's just sending standard X10 Dim commands, this may be tricky to do. Of course you have to be using one of the supported X10 hardware interfaces to do this (CM11, Ocelot, USB PowerLinc, don't remember if there are more...)
I have animated gifs for devices with a simple on/off and a set of images that light up according to dim level for a specific device.
Software Remotes don't support animated gifs. However, you can use the Multi State buttons to have a single buttons image change depending on the current value of a Property.

Hope this helps some.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:59 pm
by Affini

I appreciate your post but I'm no longer looking at Housebot or Meedio... due to the SEVER LACK of support from Meedio. Housebot may have potential for me but it will take too much effort to integrate it into a decent HTPC/front-end solution. IF Meedio gets on teh ball and makes it seemless to use Meedio's front-end with Housebot I will consider it at that time. Until then I'll stick with Homeseer as it is already paid for and can integrate with many other software packages. as a back-end.

Too bad you did not keep ownership of HB and sold it as a back-end add-on to Meedio and some other front-end... I'm sure it would be better for the consumers.

Screen design for HB

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 12:11 pm
by Dakkar

I am trying to use the meedio connector...

I have some question:

The demo module provided is the only way to obtain the properties values on a screen? My needs are not to send commands (I can send commands with HBControl.exe...). I use a theme based on HDeeTV and I would like to have some properties values on the main screen... How could I do? Maybe with feedme? But where are the values stored? I tried to refer to the prop1-value field in the HouseBot library without any success...

Thank you very much,


Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:53 am
by jradams76
I have succesfully installed the plugin and connected one lamp module and I'm able to turn it on and off. I have read about setting jump points to run certain HB functions. What I want to do is now when I press the play button the remote to watch a DVD from Essentials I want to turn the light off. How do I go about setting this up. I'm a newbie when it comes to this. I'm using a zwave module along with the usb piece.
