Re: Girder 5
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:20 pm
Unless I'm missing something here... I'm using girder 3.x. Every time the new griderbridgedevice.dll was called I was getting a "Run As" pop dialogue. I tried everything to fix this, and eventually realized the "Run As" problem was a trojan horse in the true metaphoric sense. In other words, not a virus. A quick search turned up this thread. After reading through this thread I determined in one of your earlier posts that this problem was related to the fact that girder 5.x required different parameters, or somehow handled that process differently than previous version of Girder. Based upon that information I back rev'd my girderbridgedevice.dll. Backreving this unequivocally solved the problem. It is entirely possible I completely misinterpreted this thread. The end result, however, is that backreving girderbridgedevice.dll solved the problem.