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Software Remote over the Internet

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:49 am
by Robertc65
Is there a way to connect to my Housebot PC server at home from work using a Software Remote. I see that the connection is made via port 5009 by default. My office uses a firewall and only standard ports such as 80, 21 and such are open. Also would I need to maybe RAS in or setup a VPN? Housebot does not appear to be able to connect via the WEB using a browser. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe you just have not got around to this one yet. You got to love us demanding users. Were like techno junkies. We get hooked and just want more more more.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 1:11 pm
by ScottBot
The Software Remotes can connect to the server over the Internet as long as you can identify the IP address of HouseBot server from the Software Remote location. For example, if the server is behind a router that uses NAT, you won't be able to connect (and DHCP will also make it a challenge). The clients don't support DNS lookups yet, so you have to use an IP address specifically.

You can change the default port by a setting in the Registry. This must be done on both machines. If you search the online help for "Software Remote Port", you should find the section with instructions in doing this.

.... well I just found that in the help, and I'm not 100% that what is documented is correct. I think it is correct for the server port number, but I believe that the Software Remote Registry setting is in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CEBotics\HouseClient\Configuration Settings" key.


Software Remote over the Internet

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:59 pm
by MichaelK
If you are running XP on both machines, Remote Desktop works great (and it's free). I use it for remote locations all the time...just keep the software remote on the host computer, access that computer remotely and run it...since its being run from the host computer, ya know it works, you're just viewing the results remotely. :)

I suppose, etc., would work as well.

Good Luck!

caution with remote desktop.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:23 pm
by jchuchla
Just one word of caution. Most of Windows XP security vunerabilaties come from the remote desktop option. disabling it closes several holes that potential attatckers would love to crawl through.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 2:46 pm
by e_patsellis
as an aside, most NAT routers support port forwarding, if you connect to the wan address on a specific port, data is automatically forwarded to the specified for me here with a linksys router at home.
