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Newbie...and IR codes

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:53 pm
by MichaelK
Greetings all!

I've downloaded Housebot, and awaiting my USB-UIRT to arrive. In preparation, I am attempting to gets codes from to hopefully import into housebot so I dont have to teach it all of the commands by hand. You mention Prono codes being gthe format for housebot, and I was curious where on remotecentral this may be, as I am finding diverse groups of various pronto models and hybrids.

Also, Id love to see some more templates, I learn better working off someone else's idea than reading how to do something and doing it.....trial by fire I suppose :) Thanks!

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:11 pm
by ScottBot
Codes found on RemoteCentral should work. I've had moderate success with that, but in my own experience it's not 100%.

Over time I'll have more templates available. Initially the software shortcomings were functionality. Now that's shifting more to usability, so samples are a good way to shorten the learning curve.


Which codes?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:14 pm
by MichaelK
at under FILES there are a bunch of Pronto subheadings...which heading is recommended? Pronto next generation? ProntoNeo? ipronto? ProntoPro? Thanks again!


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:20 pm
by ScottBot

I've always used the codes in "Pronto and pronto Pro" section. I would think that codes from any of the areas should work. I think the CCF's may be different between Pronto models, but the format of the code should be the same.
