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Icon size

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:09 pm
by MichaelK
Im attempting to add a new control, and selecting an image to use is very seems to chop my image in half, no matter what the size of the image is...and if I choose to add a multi state button, etc (anything from the top list) I get the same result....only when I choose IMAGE do I get the full image I have chosen. Is there a way to change the sizes permitted? Thanks!



Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:14 pm
by MichaelK
BTW, when you ADD CONTROL, and you have the "Browse for image - select general style item above FRIST" I presume this should be FIRST. :)

Great package sir!


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:33 pm
by ScottBot

A Button bitmap actually contains two images in the bitmap. The first image is the button in the normal 'unpressed' state. The second image is the button in the 'pressed' state. The images are side-by-side.

If you search for "common button image format" in the help file, it will show a sample.

You're the FRIST one to find the misspelling. Thanks.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:39 pm
by MichaelK
So, I should create an on state and off state side by side (50% on each side) in order to show the image? What about ones with 3 states?


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:46 pm
by ScottBot
No. The 'states' that are stored in the bitmap file are not the same 'states' that are used by a Multi-state button (confusing I know).

A button image can only contain two images; the UP and DOWN.

In the configuration for the multi-state button, you choose separate bitmap files for each Property Value/State you want to represent.
