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Software Remote Button Status with Ocelot Controller

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:22 pm
by Robertc65
When using multi-State buttons on a Software Remote how does Housebot maintain the status of the devices controlled by each button. I notice that when I start up the remote some of the status info is correct and some is not. I have made sure while observing this that devices have only been turned on via X10 and not locally. The X-10 Map within the Ocelot however does show the correct status.



Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 8:05 am
by ScottBot

The controls on a Software Remote should mirror the current state of the Property Values that they are mapped to on the Server. When the SWRemote starts, it queries the server for the current states. If it contains Multi-State buttons, it will initialize the controls with the correct button image for the current property Value.

Assuming that this is true, you can ignore the Software Remote for troubleshooting this problem, and simply look at the X10 Devices configured in HouseBot and figure out why they don't match the actual X10 equipment states.

The X-10 Map within the Ocelot however does show the correct status
Does this mean that the Ocelot does not match the status of the true equipment, or the status of HouseBot? When HouseBot sends an X10 command through the Ocelot, the Ocelot should update it's local map to reflect the latest state (I've never checked this), so I can't see how this could be out of sync.

If you are sending X10 commands out two different interfaces (If, for example, you are also using a CM11a), the Ocelot will not be aware of the changes to equipment sent through the CM11a.


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:24 pm
by Robertc65
The Ocelot internal map does match the actual equipment status, however I did not check to see if the device status within the Housebot Server is matched to the Ocelot or Software Remote. I will experiment and get back to you with more a more accurate account of what is in sync or out of sync among the Ocelot internal map, Housebot Server and Software Remote.

