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Various ways of implementing Macros and Winamp update

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 12:41 pm
by MichaelK

Turns out that not all of my devices have discrete input codes (grumble... Philips 32" 2002 tv) and so, in order to get to the input I ahve to do a combination of button pushes (a combination of an A/V toggle pulse and a Channel Up).....instead of assigning the seperate IR codes to one property change button (which would be a bit slow) could I just put the seperate IR codes into (one instance of) the Pronto code window? Or would it execute quicker assigning a task which contains the IR commands?

BTW, the other situation I mentioned yesterday about controlling winamp on another computer from within housebot seems to be very frusterating...launching a program on a seperate computer across a network AND within the limitations of housebot is proving near impossible. I attempted using something called "psexec" which is designed to run remote apps on the remote computer via command line, but I never got it to work. Going thru the plugins and forums didnt seem to shed any more light on it. So, I did the device replication you suggested, and it works pretty well. Commands are a bit slow, but I have the basic play pause stop working, and im working on getting a slider/guage designed to move within the movie for Seek purposes. Any other input is appreciated!


Re: Various ways of implementing Macros and Winamp update

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 2:35 pm
by ScottBot
MichaelK wrote:Turns out that not all of my devices have discrete input codes (grumble... Philips 32" 2002 tv) and so, in order to get to the input I ahve to do a combination of button pushes (a combination of an A/V toggle pulse and a Channel Up).....instead of assigning the seperate IR codes to one property change button (which would be a bit slow) could I just put the seperate IR codes into (one instance of) the Pronto code window? Or would it execute quicker assigning a task which contains the IR commands?
It's pretty common not to be able to have discrete codes for every function. Even the most common, On/Off, is usually a toggle. I feel your pain.

Here are my suggestions:
  • Checkout and see if you can find the discrete code. Sometimes you have to dig through the CCF files (you will need ProntoEdit if you don't have it already) to find them. It may take some time, but it's the best option.
  • See if there is an alternate method of controlling the equipment. Sometimes the equipment has an RS232 protocol that is faster and provides for discrete control.
  • If these don't work, you'll have to manage the toggling in HouseBot. The trick is managing the 'state'. If there is a lot of state maintenance, you may needt create a Task or Script Device. However, the simplest thing to do would be to simply setup the IR Code string for the Property Value to contain multiple IR Codes. I think sometimes people don't realize this is possible. When assigning IR Codes to the Property Values, you can assign multiple codes which will string them together.
  • Your idea of creating a composite Pronto code that contains the other codes probably won't work unless it is simply repeating the same code. You will need to check out the Pronto Format (I can send you a link if you need it) to see exactly how to do this. You can't just concatinate the codes together (well, you shouldn't be able to... I've never tried it).

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 4:03 pm
by MichaelK
Search Remotecentral, there is an extensive thread still ongoing (gave you a plug!) re: the codes for my unit.

Also, which is faster....setting up a task to send all of the toggle commands or just assigning those 3 codes to a property change?

I downloaded a ton of CCF files, and it's damn near impossible to get a hex code out of, its all in pronto format (5000 0001 000.....), not pronto hex. I've used ProntoEdit and Tonto.....both yield the same results. I even found the discrete input ccf file FROM philips, but I cant get the hex codes. Frustrating.


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 5:17 pm
by ScottBot
The fastest will be to assign the codes to the Property Value. But the difference between that and a Task is going to be a matter of microseconds, so it doesn't really matter. I think the Property Value is cleaner.

Strange that you are seeing the pronto codes in that format. I've never seen that before. Maybe there's a ProntoEdit setting??

You may also check out the CCFTools utility that will convert the CCF into an XML file with IR Codes. If you select "Settings/Load Pronto XML File..." from the HouseBot main menu, you can select the codes and import them.


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 6:03 pm
by MichaelK
I had pretty much abandoned the load XML feature, as any XML code I had never showed up in the load command was just blank. I suppose Ill keep trying.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 8:47 pm
by ScottBot
Can you send me (at [email protected]) one of the CCF's that produced the XML that didn't load?


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:00 pm
by MichaelK
Sent, Scott.

BTW, jchuchla is out of town for a few days...he's another convert if turned onto housebot (and I know you're lurking come Monday, Jon)


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:46 pm
by ScottBot

I looked at the CCF file you sent me. It appears that the IR codes associated to the discrete on/off codes are stored in UDB (Universal Database) format, not standard Pronto format.

I figured that the odd format (5000 0000 0000 0001 0000 003f) must be a reference to a record in their DB. I was able to open an rcir.mdb file (I found the password on RemoteCentral). However, it's not clear to me how they construct the IR code from the UDB code that is stored in the CCF.

My wife is calling me to watch a move right now (I actually get to use my HouseBot system for a change), so I'm bagging it for the night. If you can find a reference, or deduce the format of the rcir.mdb file, you may be able to unlock the IR code for your unit.

BTW, the reason that the codes don't show in HouseBot when you use the Import Pronto XML feature, is because the codes are marked as UDB and not Learned.


Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:15 pm
by MichaelK
I dont suppose you know of a way to convert the XML file to one that Housebot can import? Or a way to convert to UDB files to the hex values? Remotecentral has some apps, and after Dl them and using them, they are a bit over my head. Any other suggestions?

Ive also downloaded dozens of CCF files, but none have anything close to my TV, *sigh* The hunt continues.
