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Movie players and Directory Listings

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:58 am
by MichaelK
As I have said in other posts, I am using a networked PC as a video server of sorts, and I control it via my software remote from another room. Thus far, I am using WinAmp so I can control the movies (well, play, stop, pause, volume, and fullscreen). However, this isn't rock solid....I'd like to see support for control of media players for downloaded movies, like DiVX player of sorts. Since I am controlling the movies via a software remote on both machines (device replication) perhaps a way of integrating the front end and functionality of a player into a GUI?

Also, maybe a way of changing the size of a directory listing box? I use a touchpanel, and even on a 15", the up and down arrows are a bit small.

Scott, This product continues to get better and better, keep up the good work!

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 2:24 pm
by ScottBot

Media control certainly seems to be an area lacking HouseBot. HouseBot's primarily a generic automation framework, but I'm always adding support for specific hardware/software to make it usable "out of the box".

There does definately seem to be interest in different kinds of media control with HouseBot. That's certainlly understandable since the WinAmp Device really only takes you so far (as you have found out).

I really don't want to write a comprehensive media control Device for HouseBot. Although it does sound like fun, I'm afraid that the magnatude of such a Device would suck all of my time away from HouseBot in general. Right now I'm waiting to see what is going to be done in the next version of MyHTPC. It seems to be a popular media manager application that I may be able to provide an alternate Software Remote based front end. Until I get my hands on the new version, I'm not sure whether I will be able to interface with it or not. I'd be interested in your opinious of MyHTPC.

Also, maybe a way of changing the size of a directory listing box? I use a touchpanel, and even on a 15", the up and down arrows are a bit small.
You can certainlly set the height and width of the control to fit your needs (I'm guessing that you knew that). Increasing the font size or size of the selector bar (if using images to construct the control) will increase the size of the selectable items. In a future version (I don't know when exactly), I'm hoping to provide the ability to specify user definable images for the scroll bars. When this is done, you will be able to make bigger up and down arrows.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 3:21 pm
by MichaelK
Yes, I didn't mention that...I was referring to the size of the up and down arrows.

I haven't checked out myHTPC, I was busy digging through Housebot. I have tinkered with various front ends for Car-puters (Media Car, among others, see ) which are interfaces for media control. My main reason for not using them more is that I wanted seamless integration with the GUI while using housebot and the media control.....none offered the complete package, and Housebot was by far the most advanced.

I'll keep looking for more ways to use Hosuebot to manipulate Winamp; have you made any headway with controlling FFWD, RWD, etc?

I did see a post regarding incorporating a web browser into a software remote, which would certainly help, since many media software packages now support browser control....I would them designa web interface mimicing the housebot interface and WHAMMO, seamless. Well, sort of :)

Thanks for the input sir!


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 3:48 pm
by ScottBot
There are no enhancements to the WinAmp Plugin in the next update.... sorry.

Now that you've been messing with it for a while, what all do you need to make your solution complete? Is it just the FFWD and RWD?

Also, is WinAmp the best solution for what you are trying to do, or are you just using it because that is all HouseBot supports? Would Windows Media Player be a better solution for you?

In the next update (probably on Wednesday), I've enhanced the External Control object to include an ActiveX/COM control that can be used from a web server to control/monitor HouseBot. It's a version 1.0 control, so I'm interested to see how far off I am with the solution. It may work great for you, who knows.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:04 pm
by MichaelK
I'm using it because it is what housebot supports. I prefer to use a program called 'GDiVX" just because its interface is clean and simple and it plays DiVX movies smoothly. I have yet to use Windows Media Player successfully (and reliably) playing DiVX...and I need a host of plugs to use winamp 2.X successfully.

A FWD and RWD or perhaps a slider to drag to a specfic spot in a movie would be great, much as you would drag a volume slider to the point you'd like. And As I mentioned, for audio, a Random Feature.

I'm working on various workarounds, so we'll see. I'll keep posting incase this helps others :)


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 2:36 am
by yaccri
Personaly, I don't like the Windows Media Player, because it takes a lot of system resources.

I have been looking for alternatives and recently came across BSPlayer ( It uses the cpu much less intensively, and has many options, including command line controls.

It crashed from time to time, but still is my favorite player. There is a new version that was released a few days ago that claims that
It should be much more stable now, extensible, it will be easier to add new features and it also support plugins.
I will try the new version for a few days to see if it is really stable.

This player is also free.

I suggest to try it out.


Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:40 am
by MichaelK
I'll try it and give it a shot. I'm attempting to control the media on another computer (read: inside the same network) instead of using a replicated device......thats just ONE MORE program running. I'd like to (in theory) via command line, access the other computer and cause a media file to load, and control it, i.e. full screen, RWD, FWD, pause, play, stop, etc. Thus far, All I've been able to track down is an application called PSEXEC, which claims to be able to do this, although my experience with commandline programming is years and years old, and I can't get it to work. I'm a designer, not a coder :-P

The only reason I would do it command line, is that I can access this via housebot and control objects that way, WITHOUT a replicated device....such as \\otherpc\programs\mymediaplayer.exe -fullscreen , etc. Make Sense?

If ya have any more insight, let me know, but thanks thus far!


(Keep up the good work Scott!)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:42 am
by yaccri
I tried the new version of BSPlayer, and it's a bad one. Don't waste your time with it. The previous version was MUCH better. The new version is a pre-release, so I hope that they will fix all the problems.

In the meantime, I will check what it takes to integrate it with HouseBot.
