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Control Copy and Paste Location

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:39 am
by MichaelK
I am now on my 3rd GUI revision (read: overhaul), and I typically alter the existing panels...without deleting them. I can easily select a control, and copy and paste it onto another page, however, the coordinates (location) of the pasted control do not match the original. Of course, I can view properties of the original control, and then enter those into the pasted control, but having the pasted control automatically retain the coordinates would be a big plus.

Thanks Scott!

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 4:40 pm
by yaccri

If what you're trying to do is to have some controls always visible, while others change with the panel change, there's an easier and better way:

- Use a big panel for the main panel, and smaller panels for the others.

- Have your 'fixed' controls in your main panel and define the panel type as 'Primary'.

- Have your 'changing' controls in other panels, and define their type as 'Pop-up'. Lock their position relative to the main panel by selecting 'fixed' and 'attached' in the 'pop-up position' section.

- In the main panel, place the 'fixed' controls in the area that is not covered by the other panels. try several settings until you are satisfied.

Maintaining the application using this approach is safer and easier.

If you find this information helpful, please let me know so I'll put it in the Tips and Tricks forum.


Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 11:05 pm
by ScottBot

When you paste a control, it will offset the X and Y locations by about 4 pixels. This was so the pasted controls didn't cover the originals so you could see that you actually pasted something. This was helpful when copying controls to the same panel.

Maybe I could NOT offset the locations when copying to a different Panel. I agree that it is a pain sometimes.
