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The 'Dial' control

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:57 pm
by yaccri
I tried the new Dial control. I don't plan to use it, but I have some suggestions:

- Add a visual hint about the 'Base Position'.

- Do not allow to pass through the 'Base Position'.

Please don't bother with the above unless you or other users think that this is necessary.

Off topic, there is one preoperty I would be happy to have in the Slider control, and that you may also want to implement in the Dial control - that is the 'minimum next value'. The DMX dimmers that I use accept values between 0 and 254. However, the dimmers don't turn on the lights until a minimum level is received - that is about 70. So a considerable part of the slider is used only to change the value without affecting the light level. I don't want to set the min. level to something else than 0 because this might consume power (I'm not sure about it), and it's not a good practice anyway. What I would like to have is a jump from 0 to 70 as I move the slider up just a bit. I believe that this kind of change is NOT trivial, but I'll appreciate if you put it in the wish list.

Thanks again for the GREAT software and the SUPERB support,


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 3:34 pm
by ScottBot

You should be able to add your own visual hint for the base position on the background image. Maybe my default images could include this.

I like your idea about not going through the base position. This was annoying me too. I had tried to implement a more elaborate solution, but it was taking too long so I bagged it.
