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Multiple servers

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 1:28 pm
by Boris
I am really new to housebot and I like it a lot already. I tried to connect to multiple servers on my network and this seems to work fine. What I would like to do though is be able to log in on a different server by changing panels , instead of reconfiguring the client and reload, or run multiple instances of the client


Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 3:39 pm
by ScottBot

If you haven't discovered the 'Device Replicator' (software) Device, I would suggest you look into it. It was designed for situations like yours where there are multiple HouseBot servers running on the same network.

I would suggest you designate a machine as the primary machine that all clients/SW Remotes connect to. I would recommend this to be the machine that contains the majority of the HouseBot Devices. On this primary machine, you can create multiple 'Device Replicator' devices that reflect Devices on the secondary machine that you wish to control or monitor on a client.

By doing this, the client can connect only to the primary HouseBot machine. By using pseudo-Devices (through Device Replicator) on the primary machine, the client can monitor and control devices on both machines (even within a single Panel).

Device Replicators also allow cross server control using Tasks.
