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Essentials plugin for HouseBot

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:12 am
by kbosscawen
Alan - In your Meedio Housebot announcement you stated...
In the near future we will release a Meedio HouseBot plugin that provides real-time two-way control between Meedio Essentials and Meedio HouseBot
Can you give any guidance on what near future means? Within a week? A month? I'm probably not alone in that my purchase of Meedio Essentials hinges on this plugin.



Re: Essentials plugin for HouseBot

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:30 pm
by wordgasm
kbosscawen wrote:Alan - In your Meedio Housebot announcement you stated...
In the near future we will release a Meedio HouseBot plugin that provides real-time two-way control between Meedio Essentials and Meedio HouseBot
Can you give any guidance on what near future means? Within a week? A month? I'm probably not alone in that my purchase of Meedio Essentials hinges on this plugin.



Any things a newb should consider for initial setup, with regards to the 2-way intagration?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:36 pm
by acheslow
I doubt it would be within a week but I can't really say right now. I can tell you that I have it fully working at home and it is very cool but we need to rewrite some of the internals and then test it before we release it.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:50 am
by eirikso
So, what you are saying is more like "one month" than "one week".

According to the company called SnapStream "Coming Soon" is at least 6 months. (Ref. Beyond Media)

It seems like you are closer than 6 months... I know that you can not give us a fixed date, but would it be stupid to hope for a "Meedio HouseBot Meedio Essentials Plugin" within one month?


PS. Cool name... "Meedio HouseBot Meedio Essentials Plugin"... LOL

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:51 am
by eirikso
...because of some error my last post was posted twice. Guess I better edit this one to another suggestion for a name:

"Meedio HouseBot Essentials Plugin"

Anyone better?


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:35 pm
by acheslow
It's never stupid to hope :-) But of course I can't say whether it will be in a month. I'll be more comfortable giving an ETA after testing has started.