HouseBot Screen Shots

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HouseBot Screen Shots

Post by dpgriffith »

I have a question.

I see the dvd sample screen shot and I assume that the buttons are all connected to some kind of ir command. How do I design a screen like this? Are there any sample theme's that I could download to figure it out?


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Post by ScottBot »


The sample Theme that comes with HouseBot gives some examples of how the various Theme controls work. It's difficult to give generic samples with HouseBot, since every installation is specific to the users setup.

The Theme in the screen shot uses different types of buttons depending on what was needed. The cool circular DVD control in the center is actually seven different buttons and several static images. Just to give you an idea of how that configuration works:
  1. The Pause and Stop buttons actually execute Tasks. This is because I wanted to pause/stop the DVD AND turn up the lights.
  2. The Play button is also an execute Task button. This allows me to dim the lights, run a VB Script to put my receiver in the right mode, and send an IR command to start the DVD player.
  3. The Next/Prev chapter and FF Rew buttons are simply Property change buttons. They change properties that send the IR commands to the DVD. These were simple one action things, so I didn't need to use a Task.
As time goes on, I hope to have more samples. I'll probably provide the circular control images in a sample theme when we get a place for HouseBot contributions setup. For now, free free to ask away...
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Post by dpgriffith »



I saw the sample theme but it seems to have only generic buttons etc. Yours is more like what I want to use so I want to know all I can about how you did this. I would like to design some screens like these but at this point don't have a clue how to get images like this that would work like buttons. I know you get pestered to death but if I could get enough info on how to do this I think I can take it from there. I want to design screens that look more like a physical remote since it seems to be easier on the eyes and easier to operate.

P.S. If anyone needs them I have some Nirvis cde files for ReplayTV with unit id's 1 and 2. Also have Dish Network with Id's 1 and 2.


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Post by ScottBot »


Feel free to pester away. I'm here to help.

HouseBot has a short, steep learning curve. Once you understand the Device/Property idea, get a feel for the various Theme controls and see how the Properties and Theme controls relate, things start to fall into place.

Before you start getting deep into creating a fancy Theme/Software Remote, I'd suggest getting the core system setup and configured. This means that you will need Hardware Interfaces and Devices configured to control your equipment from the HouseBot server. Granted, you wouldn't actually control this equipment from the server itself, but it's the first step. After you get that configured, you'll have a good understanding of what you have to work with for your Software Remotes. Then all you have to deal with are screen designs and cool bitmaps.
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I'm frustrated!

Post by kvollrath »

HouseBot has a short, steep learning curve

That's an understatement! Isn't there a set of BASIC 'Here's how to...' that someone can create to SHOW how to do this stuff. I'm a programmer and I just don't get it, yet. I think a lot of this has been developed by power users and it's really hard to grasp what is going on here for absolute newbies. I need examples - like the samples in the help, except more. For example, I would like to receive the CarrerID info (like the sample), but I don't want it to go to my cell (that, to me makes no sense at all) - I want it to pop up a window on the screen with the number in a big, bold font - that simple. I want to know how to talk to my CM11A and send commands to the modules - I don't see anything that SHOWS me how to do this - simple stuff! I think SOMEONE should make a full system and post it so we all can look at it ans see just how it all goes together - is this possible???
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