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Driving me crazy!
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:26 pm
by Circe640
I am trying to do a major export as an example for a few people of a HouseBot system. I have gone in and cleaned out all the unused/superfluous stuff from other themes so that I have a clean system to export from. But when I try to do the export it comes back that I have a reference to a mode that I deleted (Yes Ideleted it because I don't use it in this theme and a bunch of references to 'deleted device' Yes I housecleaned but theme didn't use any of these devices (used in an old theme) How can I figure out what the export is choking on and how do I get rid of the references that are not visible. I am doing this from a 2.15 system because JukeBot and MoviePro are in this theme. This is the live theme and system I am currently running so I know it works.
How can I trouble shoot?
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:12 pm
by ScottBot
The old mode is probably being referenced in a Theme that you are exporting. If you load the Theme XML file into an editor, you can search for M_ID= throughout the file. Although it only references a Mode ID that isn't really shown by the system, you should be able to identify controls that are listed in the XML file that are referencing old modes. If you find them, remove the entire entity tag.
Not in Theme
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:51 pm
by Circe640
I only have three themes in this instance. I had removed all the others. Just Touch800 the current live theme and the sample themes for JukeBot and MoviePro. Loaded each theme into Notepad and did a search for M_ID. Not found in any of the three themes. I think this is in the database somewhere and didn't delete when it should have.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:50 am
by ScottBot
The Theme is the most logical place for this to happen, since there isn't a tight binding between the database and the controls in the XML theme file. However, if you're sure that this isn't the case, then the Mode must be referenced by a Task. The system doesn't allow you to delete Modes if they are used by Tasks, so I'm not sure how this could happen.
If you want, you can send me the DB and I'll see if I can find the culprit. Or if you want to take a stab at it yourself, you will need to find the record in the TaskList table with the ModeID that is invalid. Then remove the record from the TaskList table. Make sure to correct the ExecuteOrder so it remains sequential after the item is deleted.