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Bitmap Gallery v.2

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:57 pm
by spike5884
Since Alan posted about bitmap galleries under a forum(Guides and FAQs) us 'little' people can't post under, I thought I would start a thread here.

I was looking around at and found a WONDERFUL tip in one of the FAQs there. You can change the extension on the PCF (ProntoProNG) and ICF (iPronto) files to ZIP. So examplefile.ICF becomes examplefile.ZIP. You can then use your favorite extraction tool on it. What you end up with is an xml file and a folder of bitmaps. This opens all kind of new doors for getting image resources. Of course, their use would probably for personal use only. You could always add a comment in HouseBot to acknowledge where you got it from.

-- Scott J.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:11 pm
by wordgasm

NetRemote uses/exports pronto files ..........

Some cool hpc interfaces there!

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 1:51 am
by Circe640
The big problem is the size of the graphics. Since, with the exception of the iPronto all the others are for 320x200 or smaller screens so the images are very small. Perfect for the ppcs but not for large CRT themes.

Remotecentral is a wealth of bitmaps in small scale and some of the Pronto themes are very well done!