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Multi-state task execute button

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:04 am
by yaccri
I would like have an indicator image that would execute a task when pressed. For example the indicator would show the light status and pressing it would run a task to switch the light.

A variation of this was asked by Alan Cheslow

Any chance to add it to the next release?


I must add something. Before Meedio aquired HB, Scott had responded to requestes and delivered fixes at no time. The top support drove me to select HB more than the software itself.

Now things are different. No more quick fixes and no more new features in no time. There hasn't been anything new since version 2.15.

What about bug fixes? How many times more HB will crash when deleting an image from a theme? Isn't it about time to deliver a minor bug-fix release?

And what about new feature requests? what is planned for the next release? When is that coming?

I believe that you have great plans for HB, but please keep us informed and fix known bugs.




Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 9:29 am
by dross
I think Meedio is busy getting Meedio TV out. I'd expect more development on HouseBot after that happens. But I wouldn't expect them to tell us much about it in advance. Software development is a tricky business, things always change, and people always bitch when Meedio tries to share their plans and then the plans change. If I were them I'd keep my mouth shut and not say anything until the next version is actually done.

Use transparent buttons

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:05 am
by Circe640
Yoram, there is a workaround way to do this. I used this in one of the orginal panels when I was designing JukeBot.

1) Setup your indicator buttons as per your description.

2) Create a solid bitmap that is the size you want your task button to be.

The bitmap should be a solid color and use the RGB values in whichever graphics package you use to set the color. Create your task button and then in the button properties 'Image' tab set the image to this bitmap. Now also in properties hit the 'select' button on the 'Image' tab beside transparent color and on the right side of the popup key in the RGB values you used to create the button bitmap. Press 'Add to Custom Colors' and then over on the left bottom where the color now shows doubble click into the color and press OK . This will change the transparent color for this button to the same color as the button bitmap and make it transparent allowing the indicator below to show through. It make the indicator look like an active button. Do this for each 'indicator button' you need.


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:11 am
by yaccri

Thanks for the response.

This workaround doesn't work for me. The indicator image 'covers' the tranparent button, and pressing it does not run the task. I tried to partially cover the indicator image with the execute task button. Pressing the 'covered' area does not execute the task, while clicking over the 'uncovered' area does execute the task.

It seems as though the indicator is on top of the task button, so it doesn't work as expected.



Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:48 am
by ScottBot
Unfortunately that little trick doesn't work anymore. When I changed the way buttons were managed a while back, they are now beneath everything except images and background.

You could use a multi-state button instead of an indicator. Have it change a property that you use to trigger the Task.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:48 pm
by yaccri
You could use a multi-state button instead of an indicator. Have it change a property that you use to trigger the Task.

That was my initial intention. That property should be for example 'light status' (on or off), and the task would switch the light whenever the light status is changing.

However, the 'light status' property will change also when the light is switched manually (not through HB). In that case, the automatic task will switch the light BACK. That is not desired. I would like to run a task ONLY when the button is pressed, and not every time the property changes.



Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:42 pm
by Circe640
Yoram, I think we need to slap Scott's wrist for that change -:)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:21 am
by yaccri
Meedio guys,

Can you give a clear response to the topic?

Is there a plan for such a button?

Also, what about future releases and bug fixes?



Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:08 pm
by Circe640
Yoram - here is another way that should work. Create a null device 'Light1'

Add the file path property to it. Create two appropriately sized bitmaps - one that is the indicator on and one that is the indicator off. Both are single image bitmaps not like the button image bitmaps. You could take one of the indicator bitmaps and cut it into two bitmaps. In both the automatic and manual tasks add a line that will set this 'Light1', file path property value to point to the appropriate bitmap when run.

On the panel first create a bitmap image type dynamic and point it at the Light1 device, file path property. Then create your manual task button on top of the bitmap. If you create a bitmap of solid color and use it for the task button bitmap, your can set the transparency to match the bitmap color and you will have a transparent button over top of the bitmap that serves as the indicator. 'A pain but workable'