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Error 10054

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:28 am
by yaccri
I got the following error message in the error log:

send() failed: error 10054

I guess that it relates either to the USB-UIRT or to a serial device.

Also, at some occations the UIB-UIRT stops responding, and I need to exit HB, unplug and plug it back in and start HB again.

I use the latest driver of USB-UIRT (v.1.3).

Any ideas :?:



Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:07 am
by yaccri
... Or mayber this is something with the client???

I also got the following error:

Client Socket, Error, *send() failed: error 10054*

!! Exception encountered !!

The client and the server are on the same PC.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:13 am
by yaccri
:? I'm confused now.

The HB server wasn't running when the second error message occured. I don't think that I closed it manually.

Please suggest a tracing method to find out what's wrong in my configuration.

I started the tracing because after some time of using HB (an hour or so), the computer hangs, and requires a cold reboot. At first, I suspected the PC hardware and installed on a different PC, but the same problem occured.

I'm using WIN98/WIN98SE



Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:47 am
by ScottBot

The send error is from a network connection failure. It is unrelated to you USB-UIRT problems. The actual error indicates that the connection was reset by the other system, which isn't really a situation that would occur normally. Maybe it's something with the network, or the 802.11 card(s) going into power save mode (or something like that) ?? You can enable the socket level tracking by selecting the "client" and "server" socket checkboxes on the Tracking Profiles dialog (From the main menu, Settings/Tracing). This may generate a lot of noise, but maybe something will surface.

You can enable tracing for the USB-UIRT from the Hardware Interface screen by clicking on the "Hardware Module Type" button and selecting the 'Enabled' checkbox. If it just stops responding, I'm not sure there will be any data in the trace to indicate the problem, but it's a good place to start. When you say stops responding, do you mean that it will no longer receive IR to decode, or no longer send IR?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:27 pm
by yaccri
Hi Scott,

Thanks for the quick respose. I didn't expect any during the weekend.

The client and the server are on the same PC.

I will add the tacings that you suggested.

The USB-UIRT stopped transmitting. I didn't try to receive when it happened. when it happens again, I will check if it can receive.

Many thanks,


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:52 pm
by yaccri
Also, from time to time SWRemote generates an error message when attempting to exit from it using the "Exit Remote" button.

Here is the latest error message:

SWREMOTE caused an invalid page fault in

module <Unknown> at 0000:7c0e171c.


EAX=c15c9a54 CS=017f EIP=7c0e171c EFLGS=00010202

EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=0124fcd8 EBP=0124fd20

ECX=d146c7d0 DS=0187 ESI=7c0e171c FS=359f

EDX=00000100 ES=0187 EDI=ffffffff GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

Stack dump:

bff85041 0000fffe ffffffff 000000c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 8176f020 00000001 c15c9a54 004866d0 0124fb08 0124fee4 bffc0df0


Here are the last lines of the socket trace file:

Oct 16 2004,06:23:32PM,Client Socket,Debug,"Sent Message [2010]"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:32PM,Client Socket,Debug,"Received datagram from"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:32PM,Client Socket Data,Debug,"Data Received 14 bytes. [f8 03 00 00 0e 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00]"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:32PM,TCP Server,Debug,"Ping response received from Software Remote [9]"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:37PM,Client Socket,Debug,"Received datagram from"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:37PM,Client Socket Data,Debug,"Data Received 8 bytes. [ea 03 00 00 08 00 00 00]"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:38PM,TCP Server,Debug,"Software Remote disconnect: user=[9]"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:38PM,Client Socket,Debug,"Received datagram from"

Oct 16 2004,06:23:38PM,TCP Server,Debug,"Software Remote [9] Disconnecting"


Does it make any sense?


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:10 pm
by yaccri
And here is another crash of SWRemote. This one is different and happend while using it. I think that the last action was to change a panel.

SWREMOTE caused an invalid page fault in

module SWREMOTE.EXE at 017f:0041ad04.


EAX=dc000000 CS=017f EIP=0041ad04 EFLGS=00010206

EBX=0088ff28 SS=0187 ESP=0124fdd0 EBP=dc000004

ECX=36fff9bd DS=0187 ESI=0088fffe FS=3c77

EDX=0088e6ee ES=0187 EDI=6c303564 GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

f3 a5 8b c8 6a ff 83 e1 03 f3 a4 8b cb e8 de 8a

Stack dump:

0124fe48 00000000 0000001e 00000003 0041a9f6 0088e6ee 00000024 0088e712 0124fe85 00000042 0088e6d0 00000005 0088ff20 00000022 0088e350 0000001e


Here are the last lines of the log file:

Oct 16 2004,08:06:44PM,Software Remote,Debug,"Pending Awake Confirmation is [0] for Software Remote [1]."

Oct 16 2004,08:06:44PM,Software Remote,Debug,"Setting Pending Awake Confirmation as [1097950004] for Software Remote [1]."

Oct 16 2004,08:06:44PM,Software Remote,Debug,"Pending Awake Confirmation is [0] for Software Remote [1]."

Oct 16 2004,08:06:44PM,Client Socket,Debug,"Sent Message [2010]"

Oct 16 2004,08:07:00PM,Software Remote,Debug,"Setting Pending Awake Confirmation as [1097950004] for Software Remote [1]."

Oct 16 2004,08:07:00PM,Software Remote,Debug,"Pending Awake Confirmation is [16] for Software Remote [1]."

Oct 16 2004,08:07:00PM,TCP Server,Debug,"Not sending data to connection id [2] because it never responded to the last request."

Oct 16 2004,08:07:00PM,Software Remote,Debug,"Software Remote [1] is now Sleeping."

Oct 16 2004,08:07:39PM,Client Socket,Debug,"Received datagram from"

Oct 16 2004,08:07:40PM,TCP Server,Debug,"Software Remote [2] Disconnecting"


Does this give any clue?


Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:11 pm
by ScottBot
Does this give any clue?
Not much. I know there's a gremlin that shows on some systems (mostly Win98) when the client is exiting and closing the connection. I've never been able to duplicate it here, but that may be what you're seeing. Not sure about the panel change problem. That's a new one.

I also don't understand how the client and server can be having comm problems if they are on the same machine. For the SWRemote, is it using for the IP or the actual machines IP address?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:03 pm
by yaccri
For the SWRemote, is it using for the IP or the actual machines IP address?

I used the actual IP address with "software remote" (not the "local software remote") because using the local address with the "local software remote" didn't work. I didn't spend time to find what is wrong with the local address.

Now that you mentioned it, I made further tests and came up with this:

The software remote name that I use is different from the default "Local Remote". Although I changed the software remote name in the configuration of the "local software remote", it was still looking for the default name. So I created a new software remote, named it "Local Remote", and now the "local software remote" loads successfully.

I'm not sure whether this issue is related to the other problems that I experience.
