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Email help

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:11 pm
by triggle
I'm trying to get the email to work with no sucess. I have enabled tracing and can't see any errors in the system log or the email device log. I deleted all Tasks, Views, Groups and other devices to debug why I get no email. It appears to me it should send the email without any Tasks, Groups or Views etc. Having the initial state of the EMAIL 2 device as NO did not seem to matter since the state change is logged. Sorry about the name EMAIL 2 but I tried a couple different configs and then stripped them out. There is only one email device.

I have only 4 devices total.

1 - Email 2

2 - X-10 Appliance

3 - X-10 Lamp

4 - X-10 Lamp

Setting the Send Message state from YES to YES

Resulting in the following EMAIL 2 device log

[Email 2.Send Message] has changed to [yes]

I tried valid server IP address as well as the DNS name.

Device is enabled.

Here is the system log after setting the staate to YES

Device [Email 2] Property [Send Message] changed. New Value is [yes]
[Email 2.Send Message] has changed to [yes]

DB Success - [update DevicePropertyMap set InitialValue = 'yes' where DeviceID=26 and PropertyID=93]

Maintenance Thread Running.
Maintenance Thread Sleeping.

End of log.

Your thoughts appreciated.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:08 pm
by ScottBot
I'm not sure what values you have set the other Properties set to, but I'll offer a bit of generic advice. If you have the Device tracing turned on for the Device, you should see more status info on the sending (assuming that it is trying to send).

The Email sender Device is really very simple, but it does require that you have a valid Server Name, Message recipient(s), and message. Sometimes you can live without some of the values, but I'd suggest filling in values for everything until you get it diagnosed.

Use the same Server Name that you use in your regular email client. Some mail servers are picky about the sender email address also, so use the same address as you use for your email client.

If your email server requires authentication for sending, the Device won't work.