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Task randomly executing on its own

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:06 pm
by dlmorgan999
I have a task that is set for Manual execution mode. A couple of times recently I've had this task execute when I didn't tell it to (for example, today it ran about 90 minutes after I'd already left the house for work). Is there any kind of trace I can turn on that would tell me why this task executed (what button or script or whatever fired it off)?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:22 pm
by ScottBot
You can enable the Server Socket Tracing Profile (Settings/Tracing from the main menu) to get more info on if it is coming from a Software Remote.

Unfortunately, if it's coming from the script device, there's no way to trace it. If it continues to haunt you, I can add some additional tracing to the script device that you could use (it should probably have that tracing anyway).

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:51 am
by dlmorgan999
I found out what caused the task to be executed but I don't know why. I just recently added a condition-based task that calls the manual task I referred to. The conditions are an X-10 off (according to the history this device went off at 6:15am and didn't go on again until 8:40pm - the history information is *so* useful!).

The other conditions are System Time.Weekday = 1, Time Without Seconds > 5:30am, Time Without Seconds < 8:00am. Given these conditions I can't see a reason why this would have been triggered at 7:52am. Am I missing something?

-- Dave

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:12 am
by ScottBot
dlmorgan999 wrote:the history information is *so* useful!).
This is the exact reason I implemented the history. For tracking down oddities like these (I've had one or two myself).

I think I'm still missing something. Based on your setup, it seems like the task would execute every minute that the X10 is Off between 5:30 and 8 on weekdays.

Here's some things I would check.
  • See if 7:52 (+- a few minutes) is about the same as your sunrise time. If you have something keying on the sunrise time, it may change around that time everyday which could trigger a task.
  • If you have your system setup to auto set the PC clock via time service, this can make minor time anomalies when time is setup back (unlikely the problem).
  • If you can set the X10 back On in the Task, it should prevent the Task from executing again. Although this may mess up something else in your system.
  • Make sure the Task isn't being called from somewhere else.
The important thing to remember when troubleshooting Task problems like this is that Tasks and their conditions are only evaluated when one of the Property Values in it's condition list changes value (or called explicitly). This is an odd one, since the System Time properties are only set by the System Time Device itself, and your history of the X10 Device doesn't indicate a change at the time of question.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:18 am
by dlmorgan999
I think I'm still missing something. Based on your setup, it seems like the task would execute every minute that the X10 is Off between 5:30 and 8 on weekdays.

I understand what's going on now and you are right. At the end of the task I have a 10 minute delay and then I execute one final item. I looked at the power state history for one of the devices being turned on by the task and found that it was being turned on every 10 minutes starting at 5:30am (ooops!).

I think maybe I'll create a null device with a property and create a task that runs at 5:30am to turn this property on and another at 8am to turn it off. Then I can use that property to trigger the task. Can you think of a better way?

-- Dave

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:33 am
by ScottBot
dlmorgan999 wrote:Can you think of a better way?
Your way should work. Another alternative would be to, perhaps, use a Sleep Timer Device. Use it with a Task to manage the time period. The Task can check to make sure the the SleepTimerDevice.State!=Running to trigger. Or something like that.