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Moving HouseBot to another hard drive

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:18 pm
by dlmorgan999
I rebuilt my HouseBot PC today. Everything is residing on a new mirrored hard drive and the old configuration is still available. In order to make my life easy I just copied the entire Config directory from my old installation to my new one.

For the most part this worked great except for one thing. On the old configuration HouseBot was installed in C:\Program Files\HouseBot and in the new configuration it's installed in C:\Program Files\Meedio\Meedio HouseBot. The issue is that all of my script devices point to scripts that are no longer in the expected location.

As a temporary fix I just created a copy of the old directory structure and copied all the scripts there but I'd like to clean it up and do it right. I could just go into the database and make the changes directly but I was wondering if there is a better way and also if I am going to run into other similar issues.

-- Dave

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:52 pm
by ScottBot

I think if you just go into the DB and update the paths manually, you should be fine. I've never tested this to know exactly what all would need changed, but once HouseBot finds the DB, it's fairly path independent. Paths that are stored in the Theme XMLs are all relative to the main HouseBot path, so they shouldn't be a problem. Any paths that are part of Property Values (like the script names you found) will need to be updated.