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tasks executing slow

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:26 pm
by Super Prutser

I have the folowing problem:

When my motion sensor (ms13) detects movement it sends an on command on adres m6, on my housebot pc there is a task that executes when device m6 changes to ON. The time between detecting movement and turn the light on is about 6 to 7 seconds. When I let the detector send an on command to the light device address, it takes about 2 seconds.

My hardware interface is a marmitek CM11.

Is this a problem of the hardware interface or the housebot software that is not polling enough for messages?


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:10 pm
by ScottBot
HouseBot doesn't poll the CM11. The CM11 will actually send a notification to HouseBot when it receives data from the power-line. I know the CM11 is a little slow in responding, but it shouldn't be that show.

If you have any macros running on the CM11, that could slow it's response down.

If you have the CM11 on a different electrical phase as the RF transmitter that is sending the motion detector signal, that could cause a delay also. You might want to plug the light device that you are seeing the 2 second response into the same outlet as the CM11 and see if it gets the signal in the same time.

Personally, I use a W800 for my motion detectors. It sends the signal instantly to HouseBot (instead of having to go through the RF receiver) and works great.

Reponse of CM12CH/CM11A too slow

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 4:20 pm
by alibaba
I'm using a CM12CH, the Swiss version of the CM11A. I have also the problem here that it takes about 4 seconds to get a command executed.

Pressing the switch -> CM12CH -> executing task in housebot -> CM12CH ->turning lamp on

This is just too slow!

I cleared the memory of the CM12CH, but it doesn't get faster.

Do you know an alternative to the CM12CH/CM11A, which would be faster and is available for 220V?

Would be an option to put an TTL to RS232-converter between an XM10 and the pc?

And if yes, which hardware interface would I have to use in housebot?

Thanks -Alex-