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Issue with Transparency feature...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:29 pm
by Technical Janitor
I am selecting White for the transparency color (I can't get any other colors to match up). I am seeing a lot of blocks and reminence around the rounded corners. I have looked at the Sample Theme transparancy picture and don't see any config differences.

Thanks in advance for any help...

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 4:14 pm
by ScottBot
If you are seeing artifacts around the corners that aren't transparent, it's probably due to the fact that the transparency color wasn't matched 100%. For example, if you have an anti-aliased border that separates your main object from the part you want left as transparent, the anti-aliasing will provide a gentle contrast change from object to background. However, in doing this it will mix the background (made up of the transparent color) with the object color. Only the pure white pixels will be transparent. If you want to send me the image in question so I can give you a more accurate answer, send it to [email protected].

If this is for an "Image" control and not a panel background, AND it will be running on a Windows machine (not WinCE/PPC), you can use anti-aliasing and partial transparency using PNG alpha-channels.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:31 am
by Technical Janitor
I was using JPG and BMP. Once I converted to PNG, everything looks a lot tighter.

Thanks again.