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Wannabe Newbie with question regarding control off Amplifier

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:41 am
by Mediahype
Hi All,

Haven't played with Housebot yet have been concentrating on Meedio.

However I have just had to buy a new Surround Sound Receiver as my last one just blewup. It is a Yamaha and has an RS232C port on the back supposedly for software upgrades but more importantly at the moment for multiroom control.

I guess one could go out and buy off the shelf Multiroom Components to do this, but where is the fun in that!! I was wondering from a Housebot point of view wether it could instead.

I've downloaded the documents regarding the Control commands and data structure but it's all gobbley gook to me I'm not a programmer.

My question is, can Housebot do it and if so can it out of the box or would one have to develop an application/plugin to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:29 am
by ScottBot
You have two options to control the receiver via RS232.
  1. Use the Generic Serial plugins provided with HouseBot. This plugin allows you to setup 'Commands' that are sent to the receiver over the COM port. It's a little tricky to get all setup, but if the commands to control the device aren't too complex, this plugin should work fine. If you want to also receive info from the device, you can do that too, but it will require some VB script.
  2. Use the SDK to develop your own plugin. I know you said you're not a programmer, but this option is available and pretty much allows you to develop a hardware interface for HouseBot that can do about anything you need.
Either option will require that you understand the RS232 protocol used by the receiver. I'm sure it does look like "gobbley gook", but usually once you start reading into it and getting your mind around it, it's not too bad.

As you get into it, feel free to post questions if you need.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:56 am
by Mediahype
Hi Scottbot,

Many thanks for the reply...Guess I have a challenge setup for me then don't I....

I downloaded Housebot and installed it on my PC beginning of December but never really got the chance to have a go at it so I've blown the trial period. Should've waited till after the holiday.

Thanks for the suggestion, maybe it would be worth sitting down and figuring it out. I guess it would be a handy skill to develop...

Thanks again for the suggestion and when I get into it I'll take you up on your offer !!
