Displaying a "day planner" in Meedio

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Displaying a "day planner" in Meedio

Post by johall »

I am helping run a kids (11-13 yr old) Easter camp http://www.ecamp.co.nz and are wanting to supply them with a kiosk setup running meedio. (if this sounds like a repeat post http://www.meedio.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... 634#162634 this part is... but wait there is more.....)

I would like to be able to display other information like the timetable for the day. It does not have to be interactive or anything just needs to be able to be scrollable to display the info and look intergrated into meedio. It could even be an image if necessary. I'm guessing that you could make a .screen file but I am afraid that I do not have the necessary skills for this (and easter is 6 days away)

Is there any way that this info could be displayed. Only idea that I have is the web browser plugin and a web site (which I can do) but would be interested in any other suggestions. Is there a Day Planner plugin out there? Security is an issue (see the other post) so the more secure the better

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Post by spike5884 »

I think you may have posted to the wrong forum. What and how you are asking does not sound HouseBot related. If this is not directed towards HouseBot, you may want to move it to get better responses.
Scott J
aka spike5884
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Post by Crashless »

While this probably isn't the best forum -

You could create a bunch of stills then make a picture module that would allow the user to select a day and present an image of the schedule for that day.

Just setup meedio so that the only menu item is that picture module, and the only items in that library are the images of the schedules.


Oh, for easter...that was yesterday - so my post probably helps very little. :oops:
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