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W800 and X10 RF Remote

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:16 am
by art
I have a W800. It appears to be installed correctly, etc. I am trying to get my X10 RF remote to control an X10 lamp module. The help file for the W800 plugin says:

To reflect the received RF X10 command back onto the power line, a simple Task like the one shown below can be used. This Task will reflect ALL X10 commands back on the power line. It can be modified to limit the commands that are reflected.

If ('X10 Controller.Composite Property' is Not Equal 'Never Match') Then

Change 'X10 Controller.Composite Property' to %%X10 Controller Composite Property%%'

I have done this and corrected it based on a previous post here that pointed out that the help file is wrong and there should be a period between Controller and Composite in the second instance in the Change line.

Even after correcting this error this will not work. I am getting the following error messages in my error log:

May 08 2005,11:13:12PM,X10 Controller,Error,"The composite key [] is not in the correct format HouseCode;UnitCode[;X10Command[;LevitonDim|;RepeatCount]]"
May 08 2005,11:13:12PM,Property:Composite Property,Error,"Due to an error, Device [X10 Controller] Property [Composite Property] DID NOT change."
May 08 2005,11:13:12PM,Error Log,Error,"Due to an error, [X10 Controller.Composite Property] was NOT changed to []"
May 08 2005,11:13:12PM,Error Log,Error,"Due to an error, [X10 Controller.Composite Property] was NOT changed to []"

Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 3:03 am
by derek
I use a WF800 and all X10 controlled lighting and some RF remotes.

Here is what I do.

I have assigned the RF remotes to a range of X10 codes. Eg

G1 = Remote 1 Button 1

G2 = Remote 1 Button 2 etc

I then give the lights a different X10 code. Eg E3 for Light 1 (Set up as an X10 Lamp Module device.

I the use a task like this to control the light.

If x10 Controller.Composite Property is Equal G;1;On


Change 'Light 1.Power State' to 'On'

else If

If x10 Controller.Composite Property is Equal G;1;Off


Change 'Light 1.Power State' to 'Off'

else If

If x10 Controller.Composite Property is Equal G;1;Bright


Execute Task 'Light 1 Bright'

else If

If x10 Controller.Composite Property is Equal G;1;Dim


Execute Task 'Light 1 Dim'

The Task 'Light 1 Bright' looks like this

Change 'X10 Controller.Composite Property' to E;3;Bright;5

The above tasks work fine.

I can't use Leviton lights in Aussie so have to use Bright;5 and Dim;5 to change relative brightness.

The only down side of this method is that if you change the X10 code for a light you have to edit all the tasks. So don't change the X10 codes.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:55 am
by art
Thanks for replying. I was trying to avoid having to do separate statements for each remote/controller combo by using the method in Meedio's help file but maybe your approach is just easier and cleaner to implement. I will try it.

Have you tried the approach in the help file? Does it work for you?


Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 6:21 pm
by derek
Have you tried the approach in the help file? Does it work for you?
Yes - works fine.

I often do more than 1 action for a remote button press which is why I remap with individual tasks.

What is the name of your X10 controller device?

In the manual example it is called "X10 Controller". You would have to use the name of your controller device.

I also found that case sensitivity is very important.

My %% line is

%%X10 Controller.Composite Property%%

If I make the p in property lower case it does not work.

Good luck.