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SW remotes not showing accurate data....

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:33 am
by wallebalboa
Hello Housebotians. A feature request for a all ready good software...

I have problem with SW remotes loosing contact with server (different reasons, wireless, network glitches and restarts of server) and there is no good way to see if they are "offline".

suggestions for soft remotes:

1: "offline"- lost contact with server pop up window/indicator. (configurable on/off)

2: indicator in SW remote telling that new version of theme is avaiable at server for manual ( or automatic) download.

extras: info on new version of SWremote.exe possible to download from server.

I have just realized the great functionality if the external control device 8) This stuff rocks folks... Kind regs balboa

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 7:45 am
by acheslow
Thanks, we'll make a note of it.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:32 am
by dlmorgan999
These are great ideas! Along the same lines it would be nice to have a button function that would reload the current theme. Most of my HouseBot control is done via touchscreens. On these devices it is often tricky to right-click.

As a result when I want to reload a theme I have to close and restart the software remote. While this works fine, having a button to do this task would be more "elegant".

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:59 am
by Richard Naninck
And along these same lines it would be very handy to have a button to switch the focus control on and off. I use the hauppauge remote to both control Meedio and my HouseBot theme, but even if the theme doesn't own the focus, the cursor is still moved. Now I don't mind about cursor movements, but the OK button is also active meaning that I press soft buttons in my HB theme while browsing Meedio. If there is an option to switch the focus on and off, or if I can disable focus control when loosing focus, this would help my case without having to use a different remote for both Meedio and HouseBot.

Re: SW remotes not showing accurate data....

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:15 am
by wallebalboa
Trying to wake up an old issue still causing problems...
Now and then swremotes loose contact/go offline. this causes the screens to show incorrect data an not show new data as alarms etc...
wish list: if swremote is offline ( grayed display, popup window etc (even shut down of swremote would be good, this will make a restart possible))
2. better automatic reconnect ( pushing a button on swremote usally makes them to go online again...) watchdog/keepalive...
3. possibility to "see" online swremotes in properties (use in tasks etc.. then system can notice on displays offline in diffrent ways. and log)
4. auto reload theme if newer version exist on server (easy to admin several running swremotes and small changes to themes)
5. notice if newer version of swremote.exe exist on server

tnx alot for a great software (with only small glitches :? )