Easy Migration from Homeseer???

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Easy Migration from Homeseer???

Post by Affini »

I'm currently using Homeseer 1.7.44 and would like to see how Housebot works in place of it.

Is there an easy way to migrate from HS to HB? I have LOTS of devices and have no desire to manually enter each one separately, especially since Housebot takes longer to input a device then Homeseer does.

Any input is highly appreciated!
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Post by Affini »

No help at all?
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Post by ericvic »

I used to use HomeSeer but when I converted I did it manually. Luckily I didn't have too many devices to convert. I don't know of any way to automatically convert your configuration from HomeSeer to HouseBot.

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Homeseer vs housebot?

Post by wallebalboa »


I have never used homeseer but just now looked at there web...

can any one give a objective/neutral ( :? ) view of what is good and bad in homeseer compared to housebot...

i hope meedio guys sees this as a good way of feature transfer to housebot.

regs Walle
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Post by Affini »


please start you own thread... you are off topic here.
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Post by Affini »

Can anyone from Meedio please answer if there is a way to easily migrate or will there be one in the near future?

A migration path is probably the only thing keeping me from moving over to Housebot...

I just have too many devices and they take soooo long to setup in Housebot.

The wizard thingie is a pain.

Just give me a single screen to enter devices all at one... please!
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discussion forum?

Post by wallebalboa »

Affini: I entered this forum with a the view it was a discussion forum not a "just answer my questions or get lost forum".

i beleve it is intresting for people listening in on this forum to know WHY, not only HOW to do things..

if there is alot of good functionality in homeseer it might be good to copy>improve in HB and we can give HB people possibility to not do the same mistakes as homeseer...

data transfer from one system to another is usally not 100%, therefor a data transfer needs to focus on the data with most usage after the transfer and a good data mapping between the systems. One of the really good things with HB is the structure of interface,device, device groups, tasks and modes. It would be nice to know how homeseer handle this and how to map the data.

however, i wish you good luck with your "one button import all devices, interfaces and everyting from homeseer wizard" and I will not disturb you in your own thread anymore. :roll:


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Post by Affini »

MEEDIO DEVS or people that have knowledge of the answer...

Is there an easier way to migrate then adding all devices via the very tedious wizard. Or is a migration path planned for the near future?


wallebalboa... I clearly understood your post and that is NOT what the thread was started for. I'm not going to get into the differences/pluses/minuses/etc of HB vs HS. You want to find out start a new thread!
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Post by ericvic »


One of the things that made me change from HomeSeer to HouseBot is the fact that HS was created with only X10 in mind and as new plug-ins started appearing they had to come up with some creative ways to present info to the user (sometimes creating many many devices). Plus there is something I don't like about HS's interface, I can't put my finger on it though. HouseBot still doesn't offer everything that HS does but I like it's device/hardware interface way of doing things much better. I have created a couple of plug-ins for my own use and I can put so much more functionality in a HB device over a HS device.


Good luck in getting any Meedio people to respond to your query, they all seem to be working on MTV and have neglected HB since they aquired it. Plus you should chill about people hijacking your thread, it happens all the time. This is an unmoderated free forum so hijacks are a fact of life.

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Post by yaccri »

AFAIK, there is no way to migrate from any system to HB.
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