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Error meassage shutting down housebot

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 6:23 am
by PT

I have encountered an error which keeps shutting down housebot

the error logs states this

date time etc client socket error send()failed error id 10054.

Where can I find the culprit does the error code point to something specific?

Any help much appreciated as always.



Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:10 am
by ScottBot
Check out this threadfor some info. There are a couple of other threads too. Search for 10054 in the HouseBot Forums.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 7:50 am
by PT
Thanks Scott

It actually seems to be linked to one of my viewpads and the theme size/ No of panels. I have recently added a panel for study control. This seems to have triggred these problems.

I have been using the winamp album art from spike5884 which has been working fine untill the above addition.Then I had a few messages when it could not load images from temp file although they were on the viewpad.

Number of panels was upped to 13(unlucky for me) although the viewpad memory seemd fine when loaded. Guess this may have caused some network issues they only run on b

Seem to be working again at the moment with only a small gremlim.

So fingers crossed.