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Anyway to Hide HB_CONTROL.exe Appliction Flash??

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:58 pm
by talisman
Thanks to a good friend Dakar i just found this fantastic little program to control HB externally.

Man do i wish id found and learnt to use this ages ago. Ive been controlling my lights and screen by remote thru essentials. BUT that meant Essentials had to be running.

Now i can run these items without Essentials and so have control of HB off remote at any point. Many thanks to whoever created this.

BUT i have one problem maybe someone can help with. When i run a command im getting that split second flash of the application running on screen. Is there anyway to suppress this so after pressing a button the screen does change, so if im watching tv there is no flicker???

I know if im running meedio you can put commands in as window = hidden

but it wont work the way i want thru meeedio, and im launching all my commands now externally to meedio.

this is what im running, if anyone can tell me what i need to do so this runs in the background that would be fantastic.

D:\Meedio\Meedio HouseBot\HB_Control.exe /O 1234 /S pwd /T FOFF /C ET