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Scrolling up/down through a list

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:54 pm
by ceejm1
Can anybody suggest how to create a list of text that can be moved up or down through with the execution of a task or button press? with the item on the list available to be displayed as a property label?

What I'm trying to do is create a list of radio stations, such that whenever i execute a task the up or down IR command is sent to my tuner and at the same time the station list moves up or down so that the correct station can be displayed on a soft remote.

Any ideas greatly appreciated?



Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:05 am
by ScottBot

You need to use a List Control on your Theme. Association the Display Property of the List Control to an Alpha-Numeric List type Property. If you are adding a new Property to a Null Device for this, just make sure it's an Alpha-Numeric List. When changes are made to this list on the server, they will be updated on the Software Remote Theme.

Then associate the Change Property of the List Control with a regular Property that will receive the value from the list when it changes. You can then setup a Task to trigger off of this if you need.

I've attached a sample config (you must be logged-in to see the attachment) that does this.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:04 pm
by ceejm1
Thanks Scott,

I follow that, but is there any way of moving the list up/down from the server so that the only thing visible on the remote is the label of the regular property? The problem I have is that I can't select presets directly on my tuner, just up or down, so I can't have the option of selecting an item directly from the list.

Hope that make sense!



Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:40 pm
by ScottBot
Hmm... I'm not sure if I follow completely, but it sounds like you want to try and send the up/down commands to the receiver whenever you scroll the list. Although you could have a task that gets executed to send the IR every time a new item is selected, you wouldn't know which way the list was scrolled to send the right IR (I guess you could do this in a script, but it's starting to get a little tricky).

I'm unclear on how the radio station name/selection in HouseBot is synchronized with the relative scrolled selection on the receiver.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:22 pm
by ceejm1
This is getting a little tricky to explain!

Say my tuner only has 4 presets.

And in those presets i have 4 different radio stations stored. For sake of argument radio1, radio2, radio3, radio4. Those from the UK will understand!

Now, the only commands that i can issue to my tuner are preset up or preset down, but on my soft remote i'd like to know which station i'm tuned to.

Therefore what i'm hoping to do do is have a list of the presets tucked away on the server and a property displayed, next to the up/down buttons on the soft remote that i already have, such that when I hit the up button it not only sends the up IR to the tuner but bumps the list up one so that the name of the appropriate preset is shown in the property label on the soft remote. Similarly when down is pressed.

Thats probably as clear as mud, but its one of those things thats difficult to put into words.

I have a feeling that its going to involve scripts, which frankly scare me, so i'd be grateful if you could prove me wrong.



Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:33 am
by PT
What about using a multistate button one for up ,one for down.Create a new property with your variables (radio 1 ,radio 2) and say if value=radio 1 change to radio 2,etc . You could then use a task to display the name.