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Registration problem

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:51 pm
by jreberry
I'm looking for some help with registering Housebot. A few weeks ago when Housebot was on sale I purchased a license to replace the current one (inherited from someone else). However, I can't figure out how to update the license information. I tried the instructions in the e-mail...


You can enter your license key buy running the Meedio Wizard from the Start Menu >> Programs >> Meedio >> Meedio menu. Select "Enter your registration key", click Next, and then select "I have a registration key for a product I purcahsed".


But when I run the Wizard I get an error that says "Problem Starting Wizard. The error message was "Element no Found"." I e-mailed support and Pablo replied...


You should be able to run Housebot with the /register command line option to bring up the dialog that lets you enter the key.

"housebot.exe /REGISTER"


...however, I don't have a file called housebot.exe. I do have a file called HouseBotServer.exe, but the /register command doesn’t seem to work with it. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing, but that hasn’t worked either. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to update the license information?

If Pablo is reading, do you have any other ideas?

thanks for the help,
